For the broken, malfunctioning, pained people of the world and their friends/family. Got pain? This is the place to be.
Neurodegenerative Disease Support
You've probably had lots of advice, but here is the combo that keeps me alive:
500mg CBD/CBG, oral (no, or very little THC!)
Avoid all bread and grains and beans/peas
Avoid all tomatoes and tomato products
Avoid citrus
Avoid all alchohol
Walk every day, even when it hurts
Gentle yoga even if it hurts (
Do this for 3 weeks, stick to it, it's worth trying
Have you tried Cymbalta?
Not sure where your pain stems from really, but if it’s back/fibromyalgia related it is a good choice. Talk to your doctor about it, it’s a non narcotic medication and it does wonders for the older gals and gents that can’t be taking ibuprofen/APAP all silly willy.
Also this is your wake up call that you’re in order to start a T-break :)