Some people can't make a natural looking smile on command. I know because I'm one of them.
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Well, don't use one of those people as the model for your marketing campaign.
They probably tried a dozen employees. This was the best.
It was this or shouting at the heavens in a tear-filled rage.
That's why most of these are staged shoots with hired actors. Why would you only use your existing employee pool as models?
Probably to save money.
Tip: Think of something funny next time.
I'm not a funny person, I can't think of funny things on command
It’s the eyes that give people away. Stand in front of a mirror and practice smiling with your eyes. Your cheeks should raise to the extent that it very slightly closes the outside corners of your eyes. If you smile with your eyes but leave you mouth lax, you have resting smile-face.
She’s sending a secret message that only people with empathy can decode.
ironic that lack of empathy is one of the first signs of burnout
TIL US capitalism needs 6 months in Costa rica
Move over hide the pain Harold, you got some competition.
Happy American? ...... That combination of words is starting to sound more and more like an oxymoron every year
Home Depot Harriet?
Yep, that's the face.
New hide the pain Harold
Hide the pain Hilda
Like seriously this is perfect.
"Jesus Christ, I can't breathe. Literally no one showed up today but corporate won't let me close the store. Please just let me leave..."
North Korean Home Depot
It smiles or it gets the hose again!
Maybe she just really needed to use the bathroom?
If Home Depot operates anything like Amazon, then being distraught and being incontinent aren't mutually exclusive.
She must work at the Home Depot location I worked at for awhile. It was a particularly crappy and miserable experience, and I usually refer to my time at HD as the second worst job I ever had. The management culture was absolutely toxic and they treated low-level employees with unfiltered contempt. To this day I avoid the place as much as I can.
A friend of mine worked in home depot, there was an old guy who worked there, loved to sexually harass younger women. They complained, multiple times, raised the issue higher in corporate. Corporate came down and declared it a "he said she said" situation even with multiple complaints, one of them being a customer. Did nothing, old guy got worse when he realized he could get away with it.
More complaints, woman who made the newest complaint got a talking to for bringing up a situation that had been settled.
It's just hardware retail in general. I still roll my eyes, years later, when I think about the idiotic morning meetings we just had to have at lowe's. It was always the same: store manager desperately telling us in a faux cheery voice to push for 'people to get the credit card!' I worked in the outside garden area, and was amazed that they made the concession of giving us cold water... after an employee collapsed during the summer.
Now I’m curious, what was the first worst job you ever had?
I worked for a "Christian" company when I was super desperate, circa 2008/2009 during the great recession.
It was the type of place where we started every meeting with a prayer but ended each month with us employees having to beg the owner to give us our pay check. They used every trick in the book to emotionally manipulate us and to avoid paying us.
As I said, I was young and desperate at the time. I could practically write a novel about all the shady and ridiculous bull shit I put up with, but at the end of the day it was the hypocrisy and the fact that they did not pay us employees our wages that puts it at the top, just above the abysmal treatment from Home Depot. At least Home Depot paid me.
She looks like she's in pain. My dad worked at Home Depot and didn't like it.
Thats the skill in pjotography, timing the shutter for moment the endorphins hit after the cane strikes her feet.
looks more like she is trying to manage a smile while holding back her toilet, because the customer is not letting her go
Most honest job advert photo.
Home Depot, many many years ago (20+), used to hire people who were experts to work departments. Best Buy used to have concierge experts to help you with phone, camera, electronics purchases. I really wish that stores would do that again. The only differences between stores that sell the same items now are price and availability. Actually focusing on service would easily set a store apart.
Well, to be honest, there's a lot of info online now, so it's not really hard to find specs about the thing you're looking for or currently browsing.
Though I do agree about construction advice. Like you're trying to do something around the home and these people were really helpful, I mean they really knew what they were talking about. Sometimes, you could just go in and be "I wanna do so and so, what do I need to do that and how do I do it", and the emplyees would just take you through isles and tell you to get that and mix it with this, then add water or whatever, do that, etc.
I know one Harold who might get along with that person