Star Wars
Discussion for all things Star Wars. Movies, books, games, TV shows and more are welcome.
1. Keep it civil.
2. Keep it Star Wars related.
3. No memeposts. Memes are great and everybody loves them, but there is already [email protected] for those.
Community icon art from DeviantArt user DavidDeb.
Banner art by Ralph McQuarrie.
...The make or break for this production is whether or not they include a low-poly Buick flying in formation with a bunch of X-wings in the background for at least a few frames.
Haha god I loved that game. May have to have another play through.
But also, glad it’s back on
I loved rogue squadron. I mean star wars squadrons was a pretty great, modern reboot of the series, all they need to do is remake the old games with the same engine
No, please, I'd like an engine where steering isn't as much of a chore on PC. I mean Freespace 2 had fine mouse&keyboard piloting decades ago, why do we need an input scheme that compromises by giving everybody the worst of every method?
Oh THIS is the Way