
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 5 hours ago

Give me a clicky pen or give me death!

[–] 18 points 1 day ago (2 children)

He doesnt have the power to do lots of things he is doing.

[–] 13 points 2 days ago

Theres so many uses for it that can benefit humanity but they are trying to sell me a washing machine with it.

[–] 12 points 3 days ago

Ive found that a cheap 1080p projector onto an unprepped painted white wall does a great job of making old crt stuff look correct.

[–] 16 points 4 days ago

All guns are unsafe until you have checked and cleared them. Im guessing the lady who didnt know what the hell she had didnt know how to release the magazine or check the chamber.

[–] 20 points 4 days ago

My dad was a deadbeat, I have no idea what functional fathering looks like first hand.

I have lost my temper at my daughter and thought "That wasnt very Bandit of you." Made myself go and apologise for raising my voice, talking about why daddy got frustrated and how she should do what I ask or listen better but that doesnt make it ok that I yelled.

God bless that glorious blue bastard for setting me a high bar to aim for.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

Dont worry bro, some of us got it.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

The Stg44 was produced from 1944 by the german army in ww2. So very late in the war, very few of them (comparatively to most ww2 guns) were made and as you can imagine, guns from the "losing side" tend to be destroyed. They were pretty much the first "assault rifle" and the AK47 adapted a lot from it. It was found in Conneticut so it was almost definitely brought home from WW2 by a US soldier, it was almost certainly used in anger.

Undoubtably its worth preserving as a very rare example of something of historical significance, but I dont blame someone for not recognising it as such.

[–] 56 points 4 days ago (5 children)

Firstly its an Stg44, secondly her father brought it back not her husband, thirdly it wasnt lovingly maintained in a collection it was just an old gun so poorly kept it was inoperable unsecured sitting in his closet, it looked like a rusty old piece of shit. Fourthly, the police recognised that it wasnt just some bangers .38 hipoint, took the gun for safe keeping and are helping the owner sell it legally as a collectable.

The woman did the right thing, an unsafely kept old gun is just that, historical provenance be damned.

[–] 5 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

That isnt what a center console is, just to be accurate. The "center console" is a general term for the area that runs between the dashboard and drivers and passengers seats.

Essentially you just want a car with no factory gps. Although anything old enough to have not had gps from the factory (think old style universally sized replaceable stereos, the DIN form factor) is more than likely safe as anything aftermarket wont be linked to the rego or vin. If you want to be extra cautious, remove the stereo head unit for an old aftermarket one with no bluetooth either.

[–] 11 points 4 days ago

I'm not gay but Ryan Reynolds is Ryan Reynolds.

[–] 9 points 4 days ago

Calm down DJ Khaled.



If he was frozen at the very end of the 60s he spent 28 years frozen and was defrosted in 1997... which was 28 years ago this year.

Want to get a hint of what Austin went through being defrosted, go check out how poorly some of those jokes aged.


For me "How long could I get away with driving like an ABSOLUTE ASSHOLE all the time before I lost my licence or had an accident." Speed limits, red lights, stop signs... forget them all. Every day I have to drive sensibly and obey the law because without my licence I dont have a job, and every day I see at least one person driving like an absolute moron and I wonder...


This guy has only made 4 videos so far but I want more. I just wish he wasn't shooting in TikTok format.


Forget practicality and cargo bikes, the utilitarian fat tyre commuter ones too. I want to see what this community thinks the ones that look badass are.

(Excluding concepts please)


They risk our infrastructure and they steal or extort billions. I wouldnt feel bad if I read "Scam phone center destroyed in mystery explosion"


Got my bloods done and my Testosterone levels are LOW. I'm working out a lot and kind of pissed Ive been doing it on "hardmode" for god knows how long, but before I take the doc up on the script I'm doing my due diligence on the realities. It seems like every article I find is either written by a trt clinic or is a one sided hit piece. So Im after some real world experiences.


My current favorite is "Phillip Mypants"


Just asking, is starting a new character now going to leave me annoyed and feeling like a little brother tagging along or is new character progression pretty forgiving?


Even though the Narwhals bacon shit was cringe as hell.

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