Mines can absolutely become suddenly unprofitable. You don't know how much good stuff is in the ground until you dig it up.
The mine went bankrupt in '89, just a few years after Errol bought shares in it. The boss was someone else.
SpaceX wants new regulations regarding satellite brightness.
Their own satellites (at least the second generation ones) fulfill the requirements set by the astronomers at the Rubin Observatory, +7 mag (10x darker than the original ones). Meanwhile the satellites of the competitors OneWeb and Amazon can't fulfill them without major design changes, because the altitude the satellites orbit at makes a significant difference.
If the recommendations of the Rubin Observatory report were turned into regulations now, Starlink would barely be affected (they'd just have to stop the gen1 sat production a little early) while the competition would be set back several years.
Mirror film. The antenna have a highly reflective film coating that reflects all light from the sun in a specific direction in space, away from Earth. The parts of the satellite that aren't flat enough for the mirror film do use the dark paint.
Does it cause issues if domain and tld match?
For people who previously used SMS and had their contacts saved in the phone's pre-installed contact app, WhatsApp could use all those contacts out of the box.
If per-user instance filters are implemented, perhaps instances could have "default blacklists" for new users for stuff like exploding-heads or lemmygrad that most people don't want to see, with the option to manually un-block them if someone does want to see that.
Brilliant Pebbles. A space-based ICBM interceptor program from the 80s.
The one part of Reagan's Star Wars that would totally have worked if they'd deployed it, but the Soviet Union didn't last long enough...
Emphasis on medically transitioned.
Some people seem to think that lgbt activists want to make it so that any male athlete could just put on a wig, say "I'm trans now", steal medals from women and then detransition the next day. (As depicted in that Futurama episode.)
Letting trans people who have medically transitioned for several years compete is a very different beast from letting anyone who claims to be trans compete.
The bright line is Starlink satellites immediately after deployment.
Starlink satellites do have stealth features to make them less bright, but those are only active in normal operational mode. Immediately after deployment and while dodging space debris, they are more visible.
Really big map, mostly empty
Somehow I don't think Errol Musk knew that much about the geology. Allegedly he bought the shares on a whim without first visiting the mine, which was in a different country.