There is one mistake in this Video. Ublock origin doesn't accept donations the last time checked.
ഞാൻ വീട് മാറുന്ന തിരക്കിലാണ്. എന്നാലും എന്തേലും ഒക്കെ ഇടാൻ ശ്രമിക്കുന്നുണ്ട്. I also think that spammer demoralized everyone and the initial enthusiasm is over
Alosno is a monster. What a race..... Just schooled Checko
Another funny thing is that in his video, the terrorist asked the media not to reveal how he made the bomb. Today, news channels reported exactly that 🤡 🤡 🤡
Also, this idiot's actions and motives are the literal definition of a terrorist, but I haven't found any media calling him a terrorist.
That makes sense, probably this post got featured in Hot/Active in the All page of big instances and people upvoted. Mallus aakan chance illa.
That will be one big bloated software extremely painful to maintain.
46 upvotes, so many lurkers 🙄
Very useful for people from Alapuzha, Kottayam and Pathanamthitta
Bold decision, hope they have other business. Could also be marketing gimmick.
The firm has been supplying uniforms to various agencies in different countries.
Haha I doubt they will take such action against Manipur police if they were the suppliers.
Authors address the ethical implications of their research
Ethical implications. While the decoding of brain activity promises to help a variety of brainlesioned patients (Metzger et al., 2023; Moses et al., 2021; Defossez et al., 2022; Liu et al., 2023; ´ Willett et al., 2023), the rapid advances of this technology raise several ethical considerations, and most notably, the necessity to preserve mental privacy. Several empirical findings are relevant to this issue. Firstly, the decoding performance obtained with non-invasive recordings is only high for perceptual tasks. By contrast, decoding accuracy considerably diminishes when individuals are tasked to imagine representations (Horikawa & Kamitani, 2017; Tang et al., 2023). Second, decoding performance seems to be severely compromised when participants are engaged in disruptive tasks, such as counting backward (Tang et al., 2023). In other words, the subjects’ consent is not only a legal but also and primarily a technical requirement for brain decoding. To delve into these issues effectively, we endorse the open and peer-reviewed research standards.>
Can you share some details, I can not find anything about it on their github page.