
joined 2 years ago

Cairn, by Yochai Gal, is getting a 2e and the playtest doc is linked in the announcement post. Among other changes, it contains some really cool new character backgrounds similar to Electric Bastionland. Check it out!

Personally I've played 1e and very much enjoyed it, but wished it had just a tiny more going on in character advancement and mechanics for running longer campaigns. Seems like I'm getting just what I want with this new version.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

That looks so cool! From a distance it appears to just be the natural shape of the wood, I like the delight and surprise as you get close enough to see the details. So unique.


I've been going to Switch n' Play shows for a while now and they're always great. This show looks really cool and I wanted to post about it, it's a great way to see some incredible performers. Seems like it'll be a lot of references to John Waters too!

If you're in NYC come out tonight for a good show. I'll share pics here after though!


Just trying to create a similar space to the subreddit, as I have always found it useful and a good place to help people. This community is still a work in progress. If you want to join in helping build this community as a moderator, please send me a DM!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 years ago

Darmok is probably my favorite but this list is perfect

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 years ago (2 children)

Yeah, I don't buy that humanity has drastically changed all of a sudden. It's the circumstances that are different and we're all paying the price.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago

Ukraine too! My Ukrainian grandfather made it.


Jewel eyes on the boots too. This was fun to wear.