because all cops are inherently right wing thugs, who have been longing for the day they can put on the brown shits and jack boots.
Possessing weapons is not antithetical to peaceful endeavors and wishes.
American law enforcement has been rogue for decades.
They even got special immunity to protect them from their actions (at least until an individuals actions get caught on camera and threatens the whole, then that individual is held up as a sacrifice to placate the public/rubes)
Its such a complex issue that scientists have already answered it multiple times, and that no trans athlete is dominating their sport as further proof.
But we cant let that get in the way of trying to put on a big show of fake and reasonable sounding concern trolling about the issue just like the right wingers do.
a bunch of college educated fascists have convinced low education whites that education is evil and they should abhor getting an education when they are perfectly fine doing physical labor.
and totally not because they don't want the poors to get educated and realized how fascist they are.
I'd be happy with a couple hundos.
Suikoden 3 needs far, far more than just a remaster.
It needs a full blown remake, both of the story, and the game, to get rid of that trinity sight mechanic. cause the constant shifting perspectives absolutely kept me out of the game, cause every time I start to get invested boom rip me out of it and make me control someone else for a long period. I understand what they were trying to do, but it was one of the most fundamentally bad game design choices i've ever seen.
Suikoden 4 has a similar problem. They would need to remake that, too.. and create a ton of new story and side content.. because S4 is like a 7 hour game, that only takes 40 hours to play because of the absolutely ludicrously insane encounter rate.. which is very blatantly used to pad game length time.
Suikoden 5, Hell.. I dont even need a remaster. Just wrap the PS2 version in an emulator and release it on PC and I'll be happy as can be.
as someone that tried to play Cyberpunk on a 580... You'd probably fail to hit the 30fps cap, lol.
I'm playing a new old game, because i'm playing the Suikoden Remaster. There for I have beaten the system by simultaniously playing both an 20+ year old game and a brand new game thats a few weeks old.
how long before the conservatives start doing that idiotic rubbing of their chin and trying to spin a conspiracy theory about how this guy was ackshually a democrat plant because why would he push that trump bill THEN go try to fuck a kid?
Willfully blind to the fact that their party is the party of diddlers, where there almost isnt a day that goes by where some new right wing piece of shit is in the news for kid diddling. Even their own orange idol has admitted to being a pedophile with his weird sexual attraction to his then underage daughter, plus his constant walking in on the teen pagent contestents while dressing/nude. Not to forget the testimonies from then children of what they did to and for him on Epsteins island.
Yeah, but arrogance just one layer of the shit onion of fascism we are currently being force fed.
Almost every problem america has to date, you could blame on Reagan.
And you would be right far, far, faaaar more often than you'd be wrong.