You should give his review a 1 star to show your displeasure!
Wait till u get to DC, MD, and VA. that'll make u cry even more.
Yup ur just old. Hope you invested in your casket old man.
Yea it kinda sucks. You and I can be central together. Right here.
This is the way.
Exactly his point - you have space. There are some roads where I live that you are lucky to drive your car down the road with cars parked on both sides. The other thing is, it is unsafe to turn around in the road. Using a drive way is a safer option. Finally, I really don't want to be in your driveway, I'm there for 30 seconds at most if there aren't any cars coming.
They had a lot of ideas to revitalize the game, and they left out things like a map that actually changed and had storms and stuff that rolled through the map. They also just didn't have enough endgame content. Over all, there was a lot they could have done to fix it, but at the same time EA just shut the game development down right as things were getting started.
What Anthem the Game could have been. There was SO much potential and they threw it all away!
I hope not. But there ain't any good sense in not trying.
What is ligma?