Credit was the one with AAA, AA and B which is already "trash"
Isn't the A terminology from credit rating? Or does that have the same origin?
I don't get why you say well not entirety, then proceed to say something that has nothing to do with the bar being set anywhere.
Games come out good or bad, but if it's a triple A it is expected to have a quality soundtrack, good voice acting etc, like a movie. Indies is forgiveable if they got simple stuff replacing those.
Thank you for the rabbit hole
%20 is encoded space if I remember right, so even then they were already incorrect
They are less powerful and easier to tax. It's all about power, The rich by themselves are less powerful than the masses when the masses are together. Which is why they're taxed at all. There's something more powerful
The rivers bring salt to the lakes and ocean that they erode when passing. Those get saltier over time. Evaporation filters that out and feeds the fresh water to everything again, but the salt gets deposited in the more permanent structures.
People who enjoy eating enjoy tasting or enjoy the feeling of things going down their throat. Can be psychological too and not attached to the physical stimulus.
Do you guys not like sugar or the sting of spice? The whole ritual around eating, making food or heading somewhere to eat influences how good food makes you feel.
Just want to add that the Portuguese document there is a scientific paper, not legislation. Not sure on how proposals might have been changed the law in the 4 years after it but it's become more pertinent because the increase of tourism was accompanied by these scams (my source for this is word of mouth, take it with a grain of salt)
The first one had one advantage the others will never have, it was brand new, everything was new. Any other that comes out you'll have expectations. It needs to be better to even match how good it felt to play for the first time.
You can play a lot of PvE games without competition. Deep rock galactic, space engineers, Minecraft mods, left 4 dead, divinity original sin (or baldurs gate 3 these days).
I think there's AoE and starcraft co-op these days.
You can also okay grand strategy games in a peace with players war with cpu only game.
It's a timezones vs actual sun time thing. In Spain near me they are like 2 hours away from their actual sun time so you can even add that to the lag you said. I'm sure it's the other way around somewhere in the world, specially in medium and big countries