
joined 2 years ago
[–] 8 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

Hear me out:

Everyone seems to think that Musky is the richest person on the planet, when that "fact" is based on his leveraged net worth, not liquid assets.

What if Musk was trying to do some shady garbage in / to Camada to pull a few million out to float him for a few months. This could be similar to what a normal person might do with a few hundred dollars from an ATM.

That merit, though.

[–] 101 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

I wonder if they have biological children and meant them.

Source: haven't read the article.

Edit: read the article. Still don't know.

I have family in the medical field (ER nurse and travelling nurse). The ER nurse said that the younger people come in with sex-related traumatic injury more, but the older people come in with more STIs.

The travelling nurse frequents rehab facilities (nursing homes) for both mentally handicapped and geriatric care. He said that there is a very similar amount of STIs between both facilities, basically meaning that they are getting physical about the same amount.

Big Brother approves.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

There is a reason why retirement homes and nursing facilities are the #2 highest locations for STIs, behind college campuses.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (2 children)

The swastika was also appropriated by the Nazis. In Indian cultures, it is a symbol of blessings and prosperity. You still won't catch me sporting that shit anywhere.

Obama only ran two terms, and so would satisfy this fuckwit of an entry criteria.

Get a burner for ANY international travel.

Consider it an insurance expense as a part of the trip.

They will garnish any wages that they can. Not to mention the late fees that are added to your principal (and interest is charged) each month you don't pay.

Good thought, and I absolutely have.


Hello archers! I learned the very basics of archery in my early youth on a very basic fiberglass youth bow. While still very young, I picked up a second hand compound bow.

Somewhere along the lines, life got in the way, and I dropped the sport. In my middle years, I am trying to pick up the sport again. I see posts here about Olympic Recurve and Barebow shooting.

I know that I can simply google or YouTube a quick answer, but I wanted to start a discussion here about the differences between bows and their uses.

For instance, I inherited my stepfather's wooden recurve hunting bow. I have always known that "style" to be a recurve. What makes an Olympic recurve bow different?


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