SO much better.
While I did enjoy his portrayal of Kang in the first season of Loki, it really went off the rails in season two and Quantumania. Then his true colors shone through.
Bye, Felicia!
Possibly the most heinous thing the Muskrat has done is to STEAL a word coined by R.A.Heinlein to name his shitty LLM.
We gotta make sure to poke some holes in him, so he takes on water...
I grok.
I've lived on the shore my entire life, and there's nothing quite like being in the ocean.
Sounds like someone needs to smoke some trees and chillax.
Oh my god. I NEVER see someone else suggest Quest for Glory in this kind of post, and I am SO HERE FOR IT! I was introduced to it when it was still Hero's Quest (and EGA) but have played and replayed the entire series many many times over the decades since. Once I managed to get 500/500 puzzle points, by playing a thief that had every skill unlocked and doing all the various side quests.
Perhaps it comes as no surprise that Valheim is also my close second. I've got over 4K hours in that one, spread across many characters and worlds, and I just keep going back for more. Heck, I once found a patch of Meadows surrounded on 3 sides by Mountains, and with a narrow strip of Black Forest connecting it the the rest of the island and I build an homage to Spielburg in the middle!
I have to admit, it's so nice that we brought along a few of the honestly cool parts of Reddit.
It's still there - but, I do wish it was more active (other than the piracy and porn, that never die I suppose)