
joined 2 years ago

This year's Digimon Con was packed with great content! Nobody made a post about this, so here it is.

If you want a written summary, this article has a pretty good one!

Very short bullet point list:

  • Digimon World: Time Stranger, the new mainline Digimon title, releasing later this year on Steam, PS5 and Xbox Series. They introduced the setting (Shinjuku and Akihabara in the human world, and the city of Iliad in the digital world), some of the characters (including the two main protagonist and a few other side characters), and some of the Digimon that will make an appearance in the game (over 400, including Patamon, Gomamon and DemiDevimon as the starters, and all members of Olympos XII). They talk about the game from 9:45 to 35:41, or you can watch a condensed trailer here.
  • Digimon Alysion, a free-to-play digital card game releasing on iOS and android (date TBA). At the time of writing, it has a reveal trailer and a website, but not much else. Personally, I'm pretty excited for this one! I've owned the cards since they first released but I've never been able to play with them because there are no players in my area. Hopefully the videogame will will help boost the popularity of the physical card game as well.
  • There were other announcements, which are not strictly videogame-related: a collab for the new Virtual Pets featuring Digimon and Godzilla to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the big lizard, a new anime series (Digimon Beatbreak), and a cute special, Digimon Adventure -BEYOND- that celebrates the 25th anniversary of the OG series.
[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

Went there, found nothing, and had a hard time coming back up.

2/10 would not recommend.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

It's disheartening looking at Wikipedia pages of random animals and seeing most of them classified as some form of "endangered".

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Expectations: "You have 30 seconds to explain why Germans still exist"

Reality: "What the fuck is pasta?"

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago (1 children)

It's always a brighter day when I can wake up and read your gaming rants :)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 days ago

The soundtrack is fine. It works very well in its context and I still hum some of its tones every now and then, but that's mostly it imo. The end credits song is one of the best end themes I've ever heard in a videogame, though.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross and Xenogears are the holy trinity of JRPGs for me. Every fan of the genre should play them at least once in their lives.

[–] [email protected] 28 points 4 days ago (2 children)

2025 is the year of the X360. First the decomp tools, now this. Maybe we can even expect a serious attempt at emulating the system on PC? Xenia is still not good, unfortunately.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 days ago (1 children)

Ooh, I feel dumb. I was tapping "Open link", didn't notice that the "tap to open in app" was itself tappable.

Thank you a bunch!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 days ago (3 children)

Hi, can I ask you what was done to tackle this request?

Support opening instance links in-app. Eg.

I just noticed that it's marked as "complete", but if I click on the same link provided in the example, I'm still asked to open the link in the external browser. Is it an option somewhere that I need to toggle on?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The true experience is playing Barbarian Invasion/Attila as the Western Roman Empire and win!

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I'll be honest, it doesn't just "look like Advance Wars". It looks like a rip-off. I love AW but I wish they went with a more original art style, like Wargroove did.

UA - Eberron Updates (
  • Artificer class
  • Cartographer subclass
  • Dragonmark feats, including origin feats, level 4+ feats and epic boons.

Title. Would it be possible to add in-app support for community links such as:


cross-posted from:

  • Bard: College of the moon
  • Cleric: Knowledge domain
  • Fighter: Purple dragon knight
  • Paladin: Oath of the noble genies
  • Ranger: Winter walker
  • Rogue: Scion of the three
  • Sorcerer: Spellfire sorcery
  • Wizard: Bladesinger
  • Bard: College of the moon
  • Cleric: Knowledge domain
  • Fighter: Purple dragon knight
  • Paladin: Oath of the noble genies
  • Ranger: Winter walker
  • Rogue: Scion of the three
  • Sorcerer: Spellfire sorcery
  • Wizard: Bladesinger

Explanation: I can't write anything more savage than the Wikipedia summary for this guy:

He is one of the classic historical examples of men who have managed to survive very dangerous circumstances by constantly shifting their allegiances. Beginning his career under Julius Caesar, he allied with his assassin Decimus Junius Brutus in 44 BC, then with the Second Triumvirate in 43 BC, joining Mark Antony in 40 BC, and deserting him for Octavian in 32 BC.

You can joke about him if you want, but he is the only one of these three who survived the civil war and died peacefully, so, in the end, I guess that he won?


This OST has lived rent free in my mind for the past 25 years. It randomly plays out in my head when I wake up in the morning and I hate and I love it.

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