It's disheartening looking at Wikipedia pages of random animals and seeing most of them classified as some form of "endangered".
Expectations: "You have 30 seconds to explain why Germans still exist"
Reality: "What the fuck is pasta?"
It's always a brighter day when I can wake up and read your gaming rants :)
The soundtrack is fine. It works very well in its context and I still hum some of its tones every now and then, but that's mostly it imo. The end credits song is one of the best end themes I've ever heard in a videogame, though.
Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross and Xenogears are the holy trinity of JRPGs for me. Every fan of the genre should play them at least once in their lives.
2025 is the year of the X360. First the decomp tools, now this. Maybe we can even expect a serious attempt at emulating the system on PC? Xenia is still not good, unfortunately.
Ooh, I feel dumb. I was tapping "Open link", didn't notice that the "tap to open in app" was itself tappable.
Thank you a bunch!
Hi, can I ask you what was done to tackle this request?
Support opening instance links in-app. Eg.
I just noticed that it's marked as "complete", but if I click on the same link provided in the example, I'm still asked to open the link in the external browser. Is it an option somewhere that I need to toggle on?
The true experience is playing Barbarian Invasion/Attila as the Western Roman Empire and win!
I'll be honest, it doesn't just "look like Advance Wars". It looks like a rip-off. I love AW but I wish they went with a more original art style, like Wargroove did.
Went there, found nothing, and had a hard time coming back up.
2/10 would not recommend.