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Community to discuss Summit, a Lemmy reader for Android.

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founded 2 years ago
[WIP][v1.59.0] wip (
submitted 16 hours ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Changes so far:

  • Add support for "emoji"s
  • Fix a bug where sometimes the bottom nav bar is open on the (inbox) message screen.

The focus of this release is to add support for importing/exporting tables from the database of the app.

A lot of preferences/data, especially those that allow you to add to a list, are built on top of tables. Tables allows the app to scale better when lists can grow very long. Some features that use tables include drafts and bookmarked communities.

Currently while the app allows users to import/export settings, the app does not give the user any way to import/export anything backed by tables. This means not everything can be carried over by importing/exporting settings.

This release aims to give users a way to preview the database within the app and export them and import them with a high level of configurability.

This feature is a prerequisite of a larger feature which will be announced later.

Full changelog

  • Add support to import/export app data that is stored in tables.
  • Improve performance of "mark posts as read on scroll".
  • Improve general scroll performance on the post feed screen.
  • Updated community search result to show the full community name with instance.
  • Remove malformed markdown fix which tried to correct malformed headlines by inserting a space between '#' and text if there wasn't one.
  • Change open instance behavior. If the instance opened does not match the current account, the guest account is used automatically. This is to prevent the app from getting into a weird state.
  • Fix a bug where links do not open correctly if the default browser app is Firefox.
  • Fix a bug where the post feed header does not update when switching instances.
  • Fix a bug where rate limit errors are not recognized correctly.
  • Fix a bug where "mark posts as read on scroll" doesn't mark a post as read if the height of the post is taller than the screen.
  • Fix a bug where the thumbnail shown in the "Save for later" bottom sheet do not update when a new image is chosen to replace an older one.


Some more bug fixes to come:

  • Fix a bug where the thumbnail shown in the "Save for later" bottom sheet do not update when a new image is chosen to replace an older one.
  • Improve general scroll performance on the post feed screen.

Update 2

Releasing the changes in the last update as v1.58.1.

Update 3

Conducting some user-agent testing. Releasing as v1.58.2.

  • Add setting to change the app's user-agent.

Update 4

More fixes incoming:

  • Fix a bug in full post layouts where blurred NSFW images are sometimes not shown.
  • Fix a bug in full post layouts where NSFW posts can cause content to jump as they are loaded in.
  • Fix a bug where blurred NSFW images are not shown for videos.
  • Fix a bug where "Prefer full size image" for certain layouts was not respected and was always on.
  • Fix a bug where posts in the post feed would jump around if "Prefer full size image" was on.
  • Fix a bug where some posts do not have a "preview" button when using the list style layouts.
  • Fix card shadow being clipped on user info screen.
  • More optimizations in the post feed/post screen.

Update 5

Releasing new changes as v1.58.3

Update 6

Big update here which should both improve performance and also lessen the effects of rate limiting issues. These changes will be released as v1.58.4.

  • Optimized network calls in the critical sections of the app.
[2025] Roadmap (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 16 hours ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Will be tracking the roadmap by year going forwards.

Planned changes

  • Offline mode (view posts, comment, vote all offline with an offline engine that tracks everything and performs the actions once network is established).
  • Setup wizard.
  • Extremely out of date version check? (Eg. if the app version you are using is over x versions out of date)
  • Export tables as part of export settings. Currently there is a limitation for the import/export settings feature. It only supports settings which are represented as key-value pairs. However some settings are represented as lists and these are stored in tables in a db. This change will require the app to know how to import/export a table as well as possible showing this option to the user.
  • Revisit the "more options" menus. Some of them are getting too long.
  • Revisit how settings (specifically Settings search) is implemented

Specific user requests

  • Instead of showing a circle when votes are hidden, show nothing instead.
  • Make the "actions bar" in the post list configurable.
  • Take screenshot from post feed.
  • Suggest/show previously created tags in tagging dialog.
  • More video player settings: hide ui elements when play selected, tap anywhere to play/pause video.
  • 3rd option instead of always hiding or always showing avatars: show avatar if set.
  • Adjust spacing between posts in posts feed.
  • Add setting to make it so that tapping the thumbnail image in list layouts will open the link instead of loading the post below it.
  • Add “I’m feeling lucky” button. Not sure where to add this. Maybe on the "Search" screen somewhere.
  • Filter posts based on domain of URL.

Stretch features (nice to have but I need to do more research)

  • Possible integration with mastodon/? (needs research)
  • Support Mbin?
  • Sync between devices?


  • Add haptic feedback to some actions such as voting and posting/commenting
  • Do not retry on send comment/post errors. Offer a way to retry sending a comment/post.
  • Add a setting to disable/enable parsing 4 numbers separated by dots as ip addresses. This is currently always enabled in the app.
  • Full content layout but with cards.
  • Add an optional "header" design to the community feed. Make the header configurable.
  • Add a setting to change the behavior of long pressing ... button in the post screen.
  • Feature to allow user to swipe to go to next post.
  • Add setting to enable/disable text in bottom nav.
  • Support opening instance links in-app. Eg.
  • Add setting to show a label for accounts that are new.
  • Allow gestures to work in both directions.
  • Make defaults for videos configurable. Eg. Default volume in the post feed.
  • Share button in the community info screen.
  • Add setting to choose default browser.
  • Add something in the settings that instructs the user on how to change the app language.
  • Add setting to disable suggestions in the community selector sheet.
  • Load more posts when reach end of posts when swiping between posts.
  • Add setting to not use full bleed images in full post views.
  • Add share option to screenshot screen.
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

If anyone is interested in helping with translations, please see the link below. If anyone has any questions feel free to post them here! Thank you in advance to all translators!


From what I understood, you didn't want to open-source Summit because you don't want to allocate your resources to managing issues and reviewing pull requests amongst other reasons (correct me if I'm wrong!). I don't know if you can disable Issues/PRs on GitHub, but I think it would give a lot of (potential) users peace of mind if the source code could be reviewed. As far as licensing goes, you could go quite stringent with an AGPL if that is a factor, to prevent closed-source clones.

Anyways, I find it sad to see that Summit often gets bashed in Lemmy application discussions for being "yet another proprietary app, no thanks".

That said, if setting up publishing actions or other packaging shenanigans is a hurdle, I'm sure there's people who would love to help.


I would greatly like to be able to filter posts that link to certain domains.

For example, I want to filter all posts that link to the gamingonlinux website, because the owner of that website sucks and I find that site to be overall useless.


I'm seeing high battery use with version 1.58.2. I've switched to full charging at night to get a better view of usage.


First of all, best Lemmy app I've tried so far and I can see the attention to details and to the customization that matters. So hats off to you for the brilliant work!

I tried searching for "draft" or "drafts" or "save" in the settings, and nothing popped up. However, there is a setting for "Save drafts automatically". I suppose that's a non-indexed item which should have been indexed?

~~The other thing I wanted to ask is if there's a way to search into communities, if that's even a thing in Lemmy as I'm new here, and if the feature is roadmapped? I believe it's an essential feature to avoid things being asked countless times in communities.~~ [Edit: there's Filter by community]

Thanks for your work and keep it up!


I started using Summit a week or two ago, and I really like it. It's a great Lemmy app. But I notice my phone's battery life has taken a hit since then.

According to battery usage, I've been using Summit slightly more than the Reddit app, but Summit has consumed much more battery.


When Lemmy is updating, the server is obviously down. The app infinitely loads and it gives no context about what is happening. So I was wondering if it would be possible to get, maybe a screen or a popup, informing us why we can't use Lemmy. Something like that. What do you think?


If someone uses hashtags in posts or comments, they are interpreted as headline. Here's a screenshot and a link of an example:

My suggestion would be to only parse it as a headline, if between the # and the next word is a whitespace. I've seen it that way in other markdown parsers and I think that works well.

Edit: Typo


Is there a way to limit the size of posts in the "full" layout? I prefer this style over the cards, but some posts are really.... really.........reaaaallly long.


I'm using the app for about a week and like it a lot but it uses a lot of battery (sometimes about 30% in 1.5h). Is this normal or could it be some config problem?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 5 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

The focus of this release is to add support for importing/exporting tables from the database of the app.

A lot of preferences/data, especially those that allow you to add to a list, are built on top of tables. Tables allows the app to scale better when lists can grow very long. Some features that use tables include drafts and bookmarked communities.

Currently while the app allows users to import/export settings, the app does not give the user any way to import/export anything backed by tables. This means not everything can be carried over by importing/exporting settings.

This release aims to give users a way to preview the database within the app and export them and import them with a high level of configurability.

This feature is a prerequisite of a larger feature which will be announced later.

Changes so far

  • Fix a bug where links do not open correctly if the default browser app is Firefox.
  • Fix a bug where the post feed header does not update when switching instances.
  • Fix a bug where rate limit errors are not recognized correctly.
  • Fix a bug where "mark posts as read on scroll" doesn't mark a post as read if the height of the post is taller than the screen.
  • Improve performance of "mark posts as read on scroll" slightly.
  • Updated community search result to show the full community name with instance.
  • Add support to import/export preferences/app data that are stored in tables.
  • Remove malformed markdown fix which tried to correct malformed headlines by inserting a space between '#' and text if there wasn't one.
  • Change open instance behavior. If the instance opened does not match the current account, the guest account is used automatically. This is to prevent the app from getting into a weird state.

in the preview I can see them under the post, I've added share and save, but on the actual posts in the feed on any layout, share and save are not in the quick action bar.

do I have to enable something else also?


submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Welcome to the v1.57.0 release. This release is focused on addressing the rest of the user requests.

There's a lot in this release so read through the changelog to see everything that has been added. Some highlights include adding auto-loading posts when "swipe between posts" is enabled, a new setting that allows you to change the app locale from within the app on any version of Android and some changes to make it easier to identify if an user is new to Lemmy.

This release also marks the start of some major changes to the app that I've been considering almost a full year ago.

One of Summit's strength is the insane number of customizations available to a user. However this also poses a downside as new users may not want to spend hours checking and tweaking every setting. While Summit tries to make sure the default settings are pretty good, it's obvious that the out-of-the-box settings are not for everyone.

The ideal middle ground is to offer a list of sane defaults, not just one. That way new users can setup the app to their liking while taking only seconds. This is what the next big feature will be aiming to solve.

I'll provide more details regarding what these specific changes are over the next few releases. As always if you have any questions or suggestions please let me know in the comments.

Full changelog

  • Add a setting to choose the direction of swipe gestures. By default this is left-to-right.
  • Add a setting to change the default volume of the inline video player
  • Add an option to share a community/instance in the community/instance screen.
  • Add a setting to choose default app to open URLs with. By default Summit will open URLs within the app however setting a default browser will override this behavior.
  • Add a setting to change the locale of the app.
  • Add a setting to control whether community suggestions are shown in the community selector bottom sheet.
  • Add a setting to enable/disable full bleed images in the full post view.
  • Add an option to the "Take screenshot" screen to share the screenshot instead of saving it.
  • Change the formatter for post titles. If a post's title starts with the character '#', it will be escaped. This fixes some edge cases where a post starts with a "hashtag". Eg. "#summitforlemmy is an ok app for lemmy".
  • Fix a bug on the create post screen. If the webpage (based on the URL field) of a post does not have a valid title, the title will not be suggested.
  • Update the design of the user info screen.
  • Fix a bug where the settings page will not respect the app language if one is selected.
  • Change the app behavior when handling posts with invalid thumnails. In rare cases the thumnail url and the url of the post are the same but the thumbnail url does not link to an image. Previously this would cause the app to not show the image or the link. This release changes the behavior so that the link will be shown in this case.
  • Automatically load more posts when the end of the post feed is reached when "swipe between posts" is enabled.
  • Change the default of the setting "Show new user tag" to true. New users (accounts that are less than 30 days of age) will display a yellow tag next to their account name.
  • Fix a bug where sharing an image would not show a preview of the image being shared.


Noticed some bugs in the app. One major bug is the inability to change the app base theme. Will push a fix out as v1.57.1.

  • Fix a bug where the base theme setting is ignored.
  • Fix a bug where some shadows are being clipped.
  • Adjust default screenshot width from 500 -> 360 since 500 seemed too wide which produced smaller text when fit on screen.

Update 2

Found a crash so will update the release and release as v1.57.2.

  • Fix a crash in rare cases when viewing the default apps settings screen.

Update 3

Rollout complete.


Often I feel like I'm scrolling past 2/3rds of the posts.


See attached image, the post is clearly referencing a topic, not intended to be a heading. I've similarly seen blog posts that start with "#".

At the very least, headings should be excluded from title markup.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Changes so far:

  • Add a setting to choose the direction of swipe gestures.
  • Add a setting to change the default volume of the inline video player
  • Add an option to share a community/instance in the community/instance screen.
  • Changed the formatter for post titles. If a post's title starts with the character '#', it will be escaped. This fixes some edge cases where a post starts with a "hashtag". Eg. "#summitforlemmy is an ok app for lemmy".
  • In the create post screen, do not suggest title if no title can be extracted from URL.
  • Update design of the user info screen.
  • Add setting to choose default web app.
  • Add setting to choose a locale from within the app.
  • Fix a bug where the settings page will not respect the app language
  • Handle edge case where post is a text post with a thumbnail but the thumbnail link is not an image.
  • Add setting to control whether community suggestions are shown in the community selector bottom sheet.
  • Automatically load more posts when the end of the post feed is reached when swipe between posts is enabled.
  • Add setting to enable/disable full bleed images in the full post view.
  • Add option to share screenshot.

This release is just a long list of incremental changes to the app. You can view the full list of changes below.

Full changelog

  • Add setting to enable swipe between posts. Experimental. Low effort implementation. Please let me know if you find any bugs.
  • Add "show full context" option when replying to a post.
  • Add setting to choose a quick action when the FAB in the post screen is long pressed.
  • Add setting to disable shake to send feedback.
  • Add setting to disable labels in the navigation bar.
  • Add setting to tag accounts that are less than 30 days old.
  • Update color picker. New color picker has new styles and a history tab, allowing you to pick a color that was picked before.
  • Change the behavior of the button bar below the header of the post feed. If the button bar cannot be fully displayed on screen, it will be scrollable and will take precedence over the left panel open. If the button bar can be fully displayed then the left panel will take precedence.
  • Change link preview dialog to detect Lemmy links. If the previewed link is detected to be a Lemmy instance, a button will appear to top the link within Summit.
  • Update translations.
  • Fix a bug where certain videos links will not load as videos.
  • Fix a bug where tag text color cannot be changed.
  • Fix a bug where text in the community header/comment header may be cut off.
  • Fix a bug in the "add or edit user tag" dialog where changing different fields will wipe the tag name field.
  • Fix a memory leak issue.
  • Fix a bug where GIFs sometimes freeze.


Some minor changes before the full release:

  • Fix NSFW mode not respected when swipe between posts is on.
  • Update translations.

Update 2

Discovered a crash. Releasing a fix as v1.56.2:

  • Fix a crash when loading posts.
  • Add setting to tag accounts that are less than 30 days old.

Update 3

Rollout complete.

Update 4

I released v1.56.3 for GitHub only. This is to address an issue where users reported that they were unable to get the update from Obtainium. v1.56.3 is equivalent to the v1.56.2 release. It is different in name only.


And how can I remove or reset them? They are not my subscriptions, are they communities I clicked on at some point? Although there are some I don't remember ever seeing.

For example there is a NSFW community in the list even though I have NSFW disabled so I don't know how I'd even be able to click that in the first place.


I recently switched to Summit, and keep accidentally activating the "shake phone for feedback" shortcut. I feel like I saw the option to turn it off when I first went through the settings, but I can't find it now, so maybe I misremember? If it's not an existing feature, consider this a request =P


There was a feature request to make the Floating Action Button (FAB) in the post screen do something on long press. I wanted to get some ideas from the community what actions would be useful to users since I don't have any ideas.

This change will be configurable and also be disabled by default so this change should not affect the average user (unless they wanted to use quick actions).

Also if anyone is confused which button and where it is it's this one:

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Changes so far:

  • Fix a bug where certain videos links will not load as videos.
  • Fix a bug where tag text color cannot be changed.
  • Update color picker. New color picker has new styles and a history tab, allowing you to pick a color that was picked before.
  • Fix a bug where text in the community header/comment header may be cut off.
  • Change the behavior of the button bar below the header of the post feed. If the button bar cannot be fully displayed on screen, it will be scrollable and will take precedence over the left panel open. If the butotn bar can be fully displayed then it will function like it does today (ie. left panel will take precedence).
  • Fix a bug in the "add or edit user tag" dialog where changing different fields will wipe the tag name field.
  • Fix a memory leak issue.
  • Add setting to enable swipe between posts. Experimental. Low effort implementation. Please let me know if you find any bugs.
  • Add "show full context" option when replying to a post.
  • Add setting to choose a quick action when the FAB in the post screen is long pressed.
  • Add setting to disable shake to send feedback.
  • Add setting to disable labels in the navigation bar.
  • Change link preview dialog to detect Lemmy links. If the previewed link is detected to be a Lemmy instance, a button will appear to top the link within Summit.
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