
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

BuhBuhBuhBuuuuh!Buuuuuuuuhhh!!! buhbu-bu-buuuhhh...

[–] [email protected] 16 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

This is a word document. Where should you save a word document?

In the documents folder. The documents folder.

That's right! You save it to the desktop!

no... No please...

What about this picture file? Where would you save a picture file?

In the pictures folder. Cmon...

That's right! You save it to the desktop!

oh god why....

I just downloaded this file... Where should I save it?

The... The downloads folder?

That's right! You save it to the desktop!

: '-(

For those that don't know... This is a reference to this video.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I've been using a PUR brand water filter that attaches to the faucet for quite awhile now. If you have an older one I recommend getting a newer one. It has a little LED that flashes green and it will turn red when the water filter goes bad. Although I'm pretty sure it's just a timer, it doesn't actually detect the filter has gone bad I don't think.

Also my area has a pipe issue and there may be Lead in the water... I'm hoping the filter helps but idk...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago

Hello IT... Have you tried turning it off and on again?

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Shape Shifter, Teleport, Insanely rich.

  • Be anyone/anything I want to be
  • Go wherever I want instantly
  • and if i need anything else, just buy it with money
[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 months ago

Phantasy Star Online on the GameCube. And I was actually online. Crazy huh.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

There's different ones depending on what kind of experience you want to play.

  1. The default ascension server is "Classless". Abilities are randomized from the base game content. And maybe some new abilities have been added too. I've already played this one and it's kinda fun. Highly recommend. ;-)
  2. There's one called "Project Ascension Classic+" which was just announced a few days ago. It's a fresh start with the original classes and abilities and some extra ascension content. I don't know if this one is available yet.
  3. And then there's "Project Ascension Conquest of Azeroth". This is the one im most excited for right now. It is technically available free on beta for a limited time i believe. But if you wish to play further you'd have to donate $35 to gain alpha access.

Right now, I can't buy into the alpha due to budget concerns. And I've been quite busy during the holidays. But somewhere down the line in the future I'll definitely try playing it.

All of the servers are free to play. And any alpha access I believe is just a one time donation to gain access.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Ive been playing Final Fantasy 14, but I keep getting distracted by other games that are not MMORPGs recently. I kinda rotate around different genres and games and stuff. I'll try to stay on topic tho.

Guild Wars 2 was good. Idk if it still is because I haven't played it in a very long time. I do have fond memories of Guild Wars 2 though.

The only other one I got my eye on right now is "WoW Ascension: Conquest of Azeroth". They recently put out a new server with new classes and stuff in alpha I think. They have youtube videos of the new classes and it looks pretty cool. I'm watching that one for if/when it does an official release. Cause I've grown up on WoW and used to play it a lot. Wow Ascension does have other servers too but I've already played those.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Maybe XANA did appear. But Jeremie or whoever keeps making us "return to the past now" so we can't remember. Lol.

I loved Code Lyoko. It was so good. Its on YouTube still I think in case anyone wants to go watch it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)

I use 2 pieces of software.

One is called "Ultimate Vocal Remover". Free and available on GitHub. It's a piece of software that seperates the vocals from the instrumentals. It's a little bit complicated to setup but once you got it setup you can just drag and drop the original audio in and then it spits out all the different tracks and stuff.

Then I use another one called "KdenLive". Also Free download. This one is basically a video editor. And can be used to create the text for lyrics. It can also do animations and such. Admittedly it's a lot of work if you want to animate the lyrics haha. You basically have to line up the highlighting with each syllable in the word. Doing it without highlighting is a lot easier but also less precise. So pros and cons. ( I'm the meticulous type haha, it's just time consuming).

A friend of mine helped research this for me as they too wanted to do karaoke videos. And then they taught me while showing me their screen. We're considering creating a tutorial video for others but we haven't got around to it yet.


Lookup "Impulse Karaoke" on YouTube if you want to see my work. Though currently I only have 2 songs so far. I'm trying to do 1 song per month. I have a list I'm working off of. We'll see what happens after that.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 months ago (3 children)

I started learning how to make karaoke videos. Because the songs I like to sing are not readily available in karaoke format on YouTube.

I made a channel for it and everything 😉 I'm getting ready to publish my 2nd video very soon.

My goal is to try to do 1 song per month at a minimum. But, I do also have a day job and life stuff to juggle. So the YouTube channel is just a hobby.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 months ago (2 children)

My list of coop games

  • Baldur's Gate 3
  • Broforce
  • Castle Crashers
  • Children of Morta
  • Divinity Original Sin 2
  • For the King
  • "FORCED: Slightly Better Edition"
  • Helldivers 1
  • Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime
  • Rocket League

^ All of these are on Steam.

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