Can confirm, dog cheese face at my house identical.
Should say you if you just want a simple timer you can (e.g. turn off street 30 mins) you can do with newer Shelley versions with built in scripting if you don't want to go for full automation system like home assistant.
Yep switch this still works. Can be switched on by switch, automation, or push on phone.
I use a Shelley 1 for my bathroom fans. Shelley's all over my house for lights, something like 30 of them, very reliable.
All tied into homeassistant for automations. I use a humidity sensor to turn bathroom fan on and off.
Had this on mushrooms and acid, very freaky.
What add on do you use on kodi out of interest. I've been on Ezra for a couple of years.
Same, real debrid or premiumize on kodi makes downloading mostly unnecessary. Occasionally I get something a bit niche I need to hunt down on torrent or Usenet, very rarely.
Wow! Max respect 🙌
Wait - really?
When our dog does that we say Eeeeeeee, no clue why.