Even better, buy it through bookshop.org and also support a local bookstore: https://bookshop.org/p/books/careless-people-a-cautionary-tale-of-power-greed-and-lost-idealism/22213433
The hard cover is on back order, but they sell an ebook version.
Even better, buy it through bookshop.org and also support a local bookstore: https://bookshop.org/p/books/careless-people-a-cautionary-tale-of-power-greed-and-lost-idealism/22213433
The hard cover is on back order, but they sell an ebook version.
Honestly, more small orders getting cancelled is also awesome, good on you!
From the article, there were some requirements to try to avoid that waste:
“ Like demanding ISPs provide at least one tier of service poor people could afford. Or encouraging networks built with taxpayer money be open access, which, as we’ve discussed at length, helps boost broadband competition and lower costs. As well as encouragement that taxpayer money be spent on the most future-proof technology (fiber) where applicable. Pretty common sense stuff. “
I presume funding or continued funding was contingent on these sorts of things, which is probably why they (republicans, corporate class ISPs, etc) didn’t like it.
I thought a big problem with these types of wheels was dealing with the added unsprung mass?
Awesome thank you so much!!
Yeah, I just can’t seem to find their proposed amendments. Maybe because they weren’t considered or something? I’ll have to see if I can find the cspan section. I just want a snippet to show my family where Republicans are voting lockstep to protect wealthy people.
Does anyone have a link to the proposed amendment and the vote on it?
Did you read the reviews? Most are absolutely thrashing the UI which is critical for a game like this. Probably best to steer clear for now. You could try a previous civ game though, or endless legend maybe?
Bookshop.org just recently added ebooks, and I believe they have a UK store, for anyone trying to buy ebooks in a more ethical way. It allows you to select a local bookstore of your choosing and support them when you purchase books. They take a small fee to cover their warehousing and shipping I think, but pass along a lot of the profit (80%) to the local bookstore. They’re a certified b corp and their bylaws say they can’t sell to a major retailer (eg amazon).
Well the context is, he supports tariffs that protect American factory jobs. He supports investing in worker protections and domestic factories. He’s basically saying that when American factories exist for a product, products made elsewhere with cheaper foreign labor should have tariffs on them to raise the price of those foreign goods to protect domestic workers. That is actually a reasonable position.
What is not a reasonable position is imposing tariffs when we have no domestic production while simultaneously destroying American worker protections to ensure that we continue to have no domestic production and that workers have even less than they did before.
So he blames himself? Refreshing change of pace there.
Thanks! Should be fixed!