After working for many years in a “fast pace environment” I can’t help but notice that I have increasing difficulties to do simple tasks.
How many years are we talking?
A lot of what you describe sounds like you're starting to have "senior moments". If you're past 50, that's pretty normal. Which is not to say it's good. "Normal" does not mean good. It just means common. I don't think you should look for anything exotic if the mundane explanation fits your observations.
Low-tech suggestion: Keep a notepad in your pocket. Make to-do lists. Cross items off it when you're done. Maybe put the time in when you cross it off.
- ~~Put water on stove~~
- ~~Turn off stove~~
- ~~Make tea~~
- Drink tea
Thanks for the link. I'm not up on the latest in anarchist philosophy. The last meaningful work I read on the topic was probably In Defense of Anarchism by Robert Paul Wolff.