They'll just feed it the language spec. It'll be fine. Unless they try to run the result of course.
I've always thought that Unix (and therefore Linux) was much more internally consistent and accessible than Windows ever was.
Everything is in places that kind of make sense, there's heaps of documentation that comes with the system, you can set it up how you like it, you can see everything... There are actual logs that aren't hex gobbledygook...
Maybe your parents should have picked a better name then.
They're one of the greatest things to ever come out of IBM.
Did they post a Musk meme on reddit?
It is in the latest versions but it's very recent. The default has always been single click. They changed it because of windows users.
I think I tried it years ago. But it didn't really work with the windows ui for some reason. Nowadays I don't use it often enough to bother personalising it.
The amount of times I've had to say "No, you have to double click to open folders"
That's a real problem when you're used to Kde and have to use a windows machine.
(Why is this damn thing so slow ? Oooh, right, double click)
Well, it doesn't roll off the tongue in the same way, that's for sure.
I'm surprised they don't have a study saying you need five daily grams of micro plastics yet.
Why did this lovecraftian horror crawl out of the beyond and into a frying pan?
It could be a reference to 1572. The so called St Barthelemy Massacre.