I saw a documentary once that said that elephants are starting to be born without tusks. Male & female. It's evolution in action. It's sad to me, but life finds a way.
Those are some good points. I guess I was thinking about the hardware. At least where I do RAID, it's on the controller, so that offloads much of the parity checking and such to the controller and not the CPU. It's all probably negligible for the apps that I run, but my hardware is quite old, so maybe trying to squeeze all the performance I can is a worthwhile activity.
Generally, if a lower level can do a thing, I prefer to have the lower level do it. It's not really a reason, just a rule of thumb. I like to think that the lower level is more efficient to do the thing.
I use LVM snapshots to do my backups. I don't have any other reason for it.
That all being said, I'm using btrfs on one system and if I really like it, I may migrate to it. It does seem a whole lot simpler to have one thing to learn than all the layers.
I've got raid 6 at the base level and LVM for partitioning and ext4 filesystem for a k8s setup. Based on this, btrfs doesn't provide me with any advantages that I don't already have at a lower level.
Additionaly, for my system, btrfs uses more bits per file or something such that I was running out of disk space vs ext4. Yeah, I can go buy more disks, but I like to think that I'm running at peak efficiency, using all the bits, with no waste.
That is the plan. Imagine an app that can provide personalized pricing to extract just less than the amount that would cause you to go elsewhere?
It knows when you get paid and can splurge. It knows when you are drunk or high and have less self control. It's the digital pricing tags at the grocery store, but personalized to you (and not with your best interests in mind).
If it helps quell any anxiety, the ring cameras are not made of quality components. A neighbor with a south facing camera said that the camera was there when they moved in, but the lens is so sun damaged that you can't see anything. It was installed maybe 2 years ago. They said that they only use it as a doorbell now.
As mentioned in another post, a malicious neighbor could blast UV light at the cameras day and night for a while to make the camera mostly ineffectve.
I've been trying to learn K8s and more recently the Gateway API. The struggles are that most Helm charts don't know Gateway (most are barely Ingressroute) and I'm trying to find a solution to one service affecting the other gateways.when a service cannot find a pod, the httproute fails and when one route fails, the ingress fails. It's a weird cascading problem.
Right now, I'm considering adding a secondary service to each gateway that resolves to a static error page. I haven't looked into it yet; it cane to me in the brief moment of clarity before I fell asleep last night.
Also, I may be doing everything wrong, but I am learning and learning is fun.