NFA (~);-}
Yeah, I know the feeling. It is nice on the rare occasions that we get to meet like minded people in real life ( even on a lemmy thread !) and have genuine conversations that don't feel like a chess match.
I myself worry that bringing up how some people have been or are being conditioned by advertising and the media of their choice is something they should even be made aware of. It is concerning but I don't think it is a process that can be reversed.
I enjoy reading a long reply personally and am guilty myself ! Dont give up. Carry on fellow traveler ✌️
I've got a few friends that were adopted , one of Columbian decent the other Korean. I askd them how their feeling about all this if theyre worried. My Columbian buddy is a little concerned , wants tinted windows on his car etc., cant say i blame him.
Back during fuckboys first term my Korean buddy got locked up for a few months (non violent crime). I went to pick him up , when I got to the jail they said he was being detained. I got in touch later that evening and he was released. They were about to send him to Washington D.C. to get sent back to south Korea because of some bull shit error on his adoption paperwork from the early 80's. Luckily it all got straitened out but he was scared , he said they weren't fucking around. He was terrified he was going to get sent back to a country he left at 3 years old with no chance to return over a clerical error.
I could only imagine the wrong people (im not saying anyone deserves this level of harassment) are going to get hammered by all this hair trigger jackboot coward behavior.
I hope you don't get fucked with out there
I have also seen friends " youtube feeds" and they are full of videos that I have seen for years and recognized as absolute garbage instantly and never watched, loaded with advertising in the form of "shorts" or a 15 minute commercial for electric scooters (most likely made by amazon, id be curious to know who funds these so called "content creators") cloaked as a "review of the top 10 best e scooters of 2025" ... And rage bait bull shit.
I have tried to explain to these same people how advertising works and that they may be falling victim to the scam.
They immediately get very defensive (I may be a little abrasive in my approach but I should be grabbing their shoulders and shaking the shit out of them while backhanding them across the face.) and they say something like " well you watch youtube videos blah blah". I explain that while I do watch them I am searching for the video and rarely watch anything that I am not actively searching for to gain knowledge about a project in the real world ; that I am hip to how these apps are designed to keep suckers engaged and even change the way a person thinks.
I remember as a kid being fascinated by some advertising, the color schemes , music etc and realizing how powerful they were. That stupid double mint gum commercial is to this day seared into my brain , it will probably blip across the screen when my power gets pulled.
Advertising is a game of minute, magical calcuculations that when done right are imperceptible and like 3 card Monty or the shell game are very good at separating a dummy from their bread.
An overwhelming portion of the public are just receivers awaiting their next mission and they do not want to know any better and get angry when you point it out. Thinking or having curiosity about anything is just not their bag anymore. Advertising is truly evil because if it did not exist the natural tendency wouldn't be blind consumption.
Back in 16~17 a guy I was working with was accusing people of suffering from tds. One day he said it to me , I laughed and said " you don't know where that term comes from do you?"
He looked at me confused and curious "no, where did it come from?"
I said "man that's some shit Hilary Clinton came up with to describe trump supporters , your so fucking stupid your using it all wrong 🤣!
I never heard him say anything about tds around me again.
Noted : misogyny is a submissive issue