I could have sworn it was theme at bridge!
Jackass money obsessed owners: "See ya never! There are plenty of doors on this building, pick whatever one you like best!"
Magoos: climate change is a hoax! It was the COVID vaccine that killed these plants!
While I agree, I'm a "child of the internet" so pretty much any opposition research on me would have me murdered by probably everyone.
Maybe I should run. I could unite the left and right in their disgust of me lol
Democratic Party will only be changed through primaries
And that means it's time for everyone to actually give a shit about voting in primary elections instead of just old people who keep choosing the worst candidates.
My whole life I've lived on long Island, I could swear we were east of Manhattan, but who am I to argue against NBC news lol
That’s how they think. They’re not in the same media landscape as everyone else is.
This is literally the cause of all our issues. Fucking propagandists creating an alternate "reality" for Magoos to exist within where they are the good guys fighting the evil evil communist far left scum.
I can blame a Magoo for being so susceptible to hate filled ppropaganda, but I really REALLY fucking despise the propagandists with every fiber of my being. If there were ever a group of people that deserved a firing squad it would be those like Sean Hannity who know exactly what they're doing...
Oh great Garfield of the lasagna, share with us your wisdom.
"Courts do not have their own armies or significant police forces. Yet leaders typically obey judges’ orders, because of the political costs of flouting them.
Usually, voters won’t reward their elected leaders for violating norms, disrupting a stable constitutional order, or taking actions that are intrinsically unlawful, said Aziz Huq, a law professor at the University of Chicago and co-author of the book “How to Save a Constitutional Democracy.”
But that calculus may not apply to Mr. Trump, who has based his political appeal on gleefully flouting sacrosanct norms. Refusing to accept courts’ authority may actually appeal to the president’s base, Huq said, if they take it as evidence of strength rather than lawlessness."
Two faced, hypocritical, tribal cult worshipping assholes: ThE pArTy Of LaW aNd OrDeR!
...my fucking ass you are.
"Billionaire Elon Musk, who is advising Trump on plans to radically shrink the U.S. government, said earlier this month he thought Amtrak should be privatized."
"Congress approved $66 billion for rail projects as part of a massive infrastructure bill in 2021, with $22 billion dedicated to Amtrak over five years on top of regular funding.
In 2023, then-President Joe Biden announced $16.4 billion in grant funding for 25 rail projects on Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor -- Boston to Washington -- the busiest U.S. rail corridor with 800,000 daily trips in a region representing 20% of the U.S. economy."
...typical. We pay for it, they profit from it. Socialize costs, privatize profits. The American Way™©®
Burn it all just to rule the ashes.
Yeah billionaires got there because they're smart... Riiiiight...