Do you really need it? Have you tried disabling transcoding? Sometimes clients would be able to direct stream but for some reason it still transcodes.
The gods must be crazy
This in combination with the retweet about "Hitler didn't kill millions" is really frightening!
You can have both.
Welcome to restaurant. For reservations please visit our website on For any other requests, please hold the line.
Nobody has any intention of building a wall
Wait he did already in his first term...
I've read the article and it's just gibberish. I can't even conclude how they came to this headline.
I'm working in customer service and we sometimes have people who don't want to pay for a service we offer (fixing their stuff in IT). There are two options:
You tell me what you did when and ask nicely if we can fix it for free? You just did half of my work, of course I will make an exception for you.
You blame everything on us and want the service for free as a compensation? Bet I will invest more time to prove why it's your fault and therefore you'll have to pay for it.
For a plastic bag? Give it to them, it costs nothing and it's not worth your time and effort.
Trump is systematically destroying ties with all of US's allies going back 70-80 years.
It's one thing that Trump is doing all of that. What really hurts the trust and relationships is that nobody is fucking stopping him. And I'm not talking about revolution or something similar. There are no safety measures in the US for this situation or if there are, they are failing. Shouldn't it be the job of the NSA or another fancy agency to prevent him to act against the interests of the nation?
Well look, if Musk can do it, it must be good, right?
Doing nothing would be more qualified than what Trump is doing.
British Royals playing the longest game. Now I halfway excpect the Spanish inquisition next...