The ones who would leave, have left and been replaced. Just like any other user.
Dead link. Maybe you could post some pics?
I was reading it as libertarian, and my mind was going to a totally different place
Yeah. How much of that progress, as a result of sustainability focus, came about solely in the past 2 decades? You're proving my point, that we just don't do something about future problems until it's become a today problem.
The joke's been around since those days, so technically it is
Human nature being what it is, we won't be making any progress on sustainability until it's staring us in the face and has become a survival issue. FFS, we KNEW about global warming and what coal-burning would do back in the 19th century, and what did we do on that front in the couple hundred years since? Literally speed up the process, until we hit survival-level issues.
Oh, forgot to mention previously - population inertia is a thing. While birthrates may have dropped precipitously, it takes a long time to reflect that in actual population figures. So much so that every scientist speaking on the issue takes pains to state that the reducing birthrate will not affect our current environmental woes. For better or worse, we're stuck with our current population size to figure out the environmental thing. The birthrate issue is not about the current catastrophe, but the upcoming one.
Unsustainability is unsustainability. Does it matter if we run out in 100 years or 1000? The goal should be to go sustainable, and that is actually MORE likely to happen with a larger population base, as sustainable tech requires a higher tech base, and consequently a larger population base to support it.
How do you not take an opening like that one?
You're making the assumption that with less population, they won't be able to mess up the environment. I personally find that assumption extremely dubious. There's no limit on idiocy. Short of us losing technology, it's a great force and idiocy multiplier.
Of what? The general issue is mismanagement and unsustainable usage of resources. If we're sustainable, it doesn't matter how big the population is. If we're unsustainable, we'll run out anyway and it's just a matter of time.
Who's doing 'pimping'? The daughter herself?
Defaulting to not federating is what the major email providers currently do, and is why email has now become a centralised service that you cannot practically self host.