
joined 8 months ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 hours ago

Defaulting to not federating is what the major email providers currently do, and is why email has now become a centralised service that you cannot practically self host.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

The ones who would leave, have left and been replaced. Just like any other user.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 hours ago

Dead link. Maybe you could post some pics?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 hours ago

I was reading it as libertarian, and my mind was going to a totally different place

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 hours ago

Yeah. How much of that progress, as a result of sustainability focus, came about solely in the past 2 decades? You're proving my point, that we just don't do something about future problems until it's become a today problem.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 10 hours ago

The joke's been around since those days, so technically it is

[–] [email protected] 2 points 13 hours ago (2 children)

Human nature being what it is, we won't be making any progress on sustainability until it's staring us in the face and has become a survival issue. FFS, we KNEW about global warming and what coal-burning would do back in the 19th century, and what did we do on that front in the couple hundred years since? Literally speed up the process, until we hit survival-level issues.

Oh, forgot to mention previously - population inertia is a thing. While birthrates may have dropped precipitously, it takes a long time to reflect that in actual population figures. So much so that every scientist speaking on the issue takes pains to state that the reducing birthrate will not affect our current environmental woes. For better or worse, we're stuck with our current population size to figure out the environmental thing. The birthrate issue is not about the current catastrophe, but the upcoming one.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 13 hours ago (4 children)

Unsustainability is unsustainability. Does it matter if we run out in 100 years or 1000? The goal should be to go sustainable, and that is actually MORE likely to happen with a larger population base, as sustainable tech requires a higher tech base, and consequently a larger population base to support it.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 13 hours ago (5 children)

How do you not take an opening like that one?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 14 hours ago (6 children)

You're making the assumption that with less population, they won't be able to mess up the environment. I personally find that assumption extremely dubious. There's no limit on idiocy. Short of us losing technology, it's a great force and idiocy multiplier.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 14 hours ago (8 children)

Of what? The general issue is mismanagement and unsustainable usage of resources. If we're sustainable, it doesn't matter how big the population is. If we're unsustainable, we'll run out anyway and it's just a matter of time.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 15 hours ago

Who's doing 'pimping'? The daughter herself?


Everybody knows what needs to be done. Parenthood needs to be sustainable for the parents. There's just no political will to implement a policy that will only start paying off in 20+ years. Every politician kicks the can down the road, or implements half-hearted policies.

Edit: Just realised I posted this to the wrong instance comm 😅


Hi, I'm the mod for [email protected]. I'd like to request that [email protected] be closed down, as I think it's causing confusion. The .world comm is abandoned, with an inactive mod and an average of 1 post / month where the only reply is usually me directing them to the comm. Or if you give me mod status, I can just pin a redirect message and close it to new posts.


Just thought of her today. Been a long time since she went quiet, was hoping her situation would have gotten better by now, but no such luck.


Cross-posted from "‘Our meth was so realistic it got stolen’: Breaking Bad, Industry and Euphoria’s makers on how TV does drugs" by @[email protected] in [email protected]

Weed? Moss tied in thread. Crack? Organic shea butter. Cocaine bricks? Shrink-wrapped foam blocks. Designers reveal the secrets of faking drugs onscreen – from popping sugar pills to snorting vitamin D


Context: I started [email protected] to be an English-language comm for Norway. There's an existing Norway comm which focuses on Norwegian-language content and discourages too much English in the comm. I posted a simple "Hey I'm starting this comm" post, because obviously relevant. The mod took down my post without any comment, reply, or reason. Now they lurk in my English version comm, and downvote like half the posts. They've never actually upvoted a thing.

Oh, they also reported one of my posts as 'Not relevant to community'.

Talk about petty. They didn't even start the comm themselves, they took it over a few months ago because it was abandoned, and have done pretty much nothing to drive activity in it since taking it over. I decided to post here instead of YPTB because I don't feel like it crosses the line into mod abuse, it's just annoyingly petty.


[email protected] or Norway

Did you know Rudolph the Reindeer (and all reindeer in general) has no upper teeth?

Join us for beautiful pics of auroras, reindeer teeth trivia, and grousings about grocery prices! Whether you're a born Norwegian, immigrant, tourist, or just think reindeer are cute, this is the place to be.

(Sven says hi!)


Researchers have been looking at what happened when rivers were granted status as legal persons. In New Zealand, they are seeing particularly promising developments in indigenous peoples’ rights and conditions.


Paying extra for service has inspired rebellions, swivelling iPads, and irritation from Trotsky and Larry David. Post-pandemic, the practice has entered a new stage.

Kopi Luwak (

The road switches back and forth again and again as it climbs into Montchavin, perched in the French Alps at 4,100 feet above sea level. The once-sleepy mountainside village, developed into a ski resort in the 1970s, is dotted with wooden chalet-style condo buildings and situated in the midst of a vast downhill complex known as Paradiski, one of the world’s largest.

Well known to skiers and alpinistes, Montchavin also has grabbed the attention of medical researchers as the site of a highly unusual cluster of a devastating neurological disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

ALS, brought about by the progressive loss of nerve function in the brain, spinal cord and motor neurons in the limbs and chest, leading to paralysis and death, is both rare and rather evenly distributed across the globe: It afflicts two to three new people out of 100,000 per year. Though Montchavin is flooded with visitors in winter and summer, the year-round resident population is only a couple hundred, and neighboring villages aren’t much bigger, so the odds are strongly against finding more than just a few ALS patients in the immediate area. Yet physicians have reported 14.


Defenders of politically correct language claim that it is a civilizing influence on society, that it discourages the use of words that have negative or offensive connotations and thereby grants respect to people who are the victims of unfair stereotypes. In this view, the purpose and effect of politically correct language are to prevent bullying and offensive behavior and to replace terms loaded with offensive undertones with allegedly impartial words. So, for example, people are discouraged from referring to someone with a mental disability as “men- tally retarded” and instead encouraged to refer to him as being “differently abled” or as “having special needs.” Similarly, one can no longer refer to “garbagemen” or even the gender-neutral “garbage collectors”—no, they are “environmental service workers,” thank you very much!

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