/me is pleased.
On my Motorola a long press of volume up skips to next track. There's also some trick where your tap on the back of the phone and that's play / pause but I rarely use that.
(Just checking if this federates. Edit: it did immediately.)
That's assuming other countries will still let you in. If there's some outbreak a bit like the 'Rona again, they might say no vaccine no entry.
Many of them work the same. Fill down etc. Not sure about more obscure ones.
We can manage by buying each track off Apple music, but that's a pain.
I hope you cut your toenails first!
That said, I doubt anyone would have an oesophagus wide enough to accommodate anything bigger than a hand, so you might need to choose a different host species and potentially, orifice.
As a community radio manager I wish just one of them would allow us to broadcast from their service. Since we aren't allowed to, I can't see how we can hope to get many younger presenters since most don't have physical media or purchased tracks.
I know some stations including the ABC cheat and use it anyway.
Dyson hand dryers. Too many dB.
The heel of the right shoe will wear out faster probably.
Sounds like you need a virtual machine for each Teams account!
Have to wait until it's on special then stock up :)