
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 9 points 4 months ago

There are trends - this video explains it well. Trump will reshape America, he will cement power and make sure it's much easier for MAGA to succeed in future (making it easy, rigging the system, for them to be re-elected).

You are entering a new authoritarian regime in the USA.

Many folks voted Trump because they don't trust politicians, they don't trust Democracy, and now they get what they want - Democracy takes the biggest hit in history - and it's not because of Trump, it's a worldwide trend - there have been no new Democracies for a good many years already.

Project 2025 (which Trump laughably kept saying 'I never heard of it, I never read it' - he's laughing his tits off, he loves the lower class working Americans, he loves Americans with low education... because they just signed him into power thinking he gives a toss about them - he doesn't.

He hates them, he hates women, he's racist, misogynistic, a criminal and a liar.

Project 2025 is a right wing manifesto - opposing abortion and reproductive rights, even outlawing FDA approved safe drugs used in medical abortion... reviving 19th century extreme right wing laws.

Also opposing LGBTQ rights, opposing immigrants' rights, a racial manual for reorganising the entire federal government to serve a right wing agenda.

You will see now mass raids, deportations, an end to birthright citizenship, breaking up families and dismantling asylum.

Trump will also work to bring in power of warrantless surveillance - to be exploited to spy on Americans and their data... radically expanding executive power and making a mockery of American's idea of having freedom.

Trump will also use executive authority to limit First Amendment freedoms, he will have power to mute the press, also damaging fair replresentation in the voting process (he said - you won't have to vote again, with a wry grin on his face).

Watching Trump you can see he's TELLING YOU what he plans to do, laughing at you for being stupid, because he knows you don't take it seriously.

Basically, it's the fascist's playbook - and you voted this POS into power.

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 months ago (9 children)

So what is the answer?

Maybe push for laws - the purchase of a plastic bottle include 25 cents surcharge on the bottle.

Then you can toss the bottle in the street, and the homeless can scavenge for bottles and make a decent wage for a day's work - and still there's enough left over to deal with the plastic.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago (1 children)

When 33% of the population agree that immigrants 'poison the blood' - what's your take on that?

Should we assume that some very well balanced people believe that foreigners have poisonous blood?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 5 months ago (10 children)

I'm struggling here to avoid being offensive - but really, Americans often appear to me to be averaging subhuman intelligence.

Yesterday I was reading about Latino MAGA's who just assume Trump isn't talking about them...

[–] [email protected] 1 points 5 months ago

If you don't know then install it and find out. Back in early 2000 it was the single greatest advancement in browser technology brought by Opera.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 5 months ago

Whilst I'd like to see some kind of revival, or even revolution, in the browser market here - it does look as if Mozilla are setting out a future business plan which simply does not include Firefox... and if Firefox dips below 2% it will be sidelined as an alternative browser no longer supported.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago (2 children)

#1 Gesturefly

'nuff said.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago

Firefox will not force an update - but it will tell you to restart to continue AFTER it has been updated... learn to control your updates, don't use Firefox as a Snap if that's what's going on.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (7 children)

For sure, as a teenager - interest in music switched from interest in music to finding music videos that got girls in 'em'.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 6 months ago (1 children)

I talked to a guy from Springfield - and he says personally he doesn't think it will make any difference to him whichever one gets in, because right now it's just talk.

So his idea basically is that whoever he votes for, he'd gonna get screwed over again... this is the decline of democracy and the rise of the post-truth politicians... in many ways, watching Trump is like watching Putin's mill putting out news - all fake and contradictory news helping to convince that all news and politicians are fake.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 6 months ago

I'd agree with this - for Trump, it's basically just a personality thing and his policies and what he says are less relevant (everyone knows he's just a joker that talks crap... so you should ignore what he ACTUALLY says and trust that he will deliver... sth like that) whereas for Harris, people listen to what she doesn't say and expect that she's hiding the fact that she'll install surgeries in schools to do stealthy operations so she can send Harry home as Harriette...

I do feel more optimistic that the world can be saved from more Trump - but it's not yet guaranteed.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 8 months ago

First step to log in is to paste some URL - and doesn't work for that... another hurdle to exclude anyone not advanced enough?


A study had to be commissioned, after finding out that crows are social animals, near a busy highway.

Crows can recognise individual people, they post guard crows on buildings, light poles as they go down to find food.

Anyway, it seems they were ONLY getting killed by trucks on a busy highway, so cameras got installed and recordings were studied.

It turns out that the Guard crows can easily spot a hazard and screetch loudly "Cah!!! Cah!!!. But it seems they were completely unable to shout "Truck Truck".

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I felt great, until they told me it was my IQ test.


Oops! Something went wrong.

Please try again in a bit.


Will anyone think to simply go elsewhere?


If someone offers you a glass of water on a submarine...

Don't say 'No thanks, I'll have a squash'.


Sometimes just a quick edit can lead to an endless 'posting' progress indicator.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Aye, Matey!




Disclaimer: I'm a noooooob.

I am logged in to

I have a feed (Beehaw Local) which I open in a new tab about Reddit affecting Google. with the URL (so I'm not logged in or registered) posted by someone at

If I follow the @ link, I'm still inside Beehaw, same goes for the Technology link.

My confusion is that I can't see how to open and interact with that post without making a separate Beehaw account.

Why am I so stupid on this platform?

  • Friend: "Oh, but that's superman"
  • Me: " Thanks man!" so happy. I'd been practicing all day!

I've got to say - I can't see how this is really going to take off.... It's so confusing.

Let me try to explain a bit...

  1. Tried making accounts, got one on and
  2. Saw some interesting feeds, but can't load (502 error - maybe overloaded). However, the 'Fediverse' is linked up - so surely I should be able to find this user and connect to his post without too much hassle?
  3. Try to visit - he's on - I can't interact without logging in. My account doesn't work - is it a different account for every instance?
  4. Compared to ten minutes on Reddit, after 2 days I still haven't found content and/or interaction that I want. I kind of understand how cool federated stuff is, but I cannot get to the product.
  • r/firefox r/linux r/angryupvote r/jokes - you know.... stuff!

I follow a link for the user and end up seeing that I am not logged in, but a note says:

'If you use a Fediverse account that is able to follow users, you can follow this user.'

I don't understand this - How? Where? There's no context menu...

I AM LOGGED IN here and now... What gives?

If it's this hard for me, I'm sure that this rules out 99% of internet users from switching over... as I'm sure that more than 75% of Reddit users are dumber than I am.

Oh, and finally now I see another notice:

If you deselect Undetermined, you will not see most content.

WTF does that mean? Where did I select, or have an option to select 'Undetermined'?

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