
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 years ago (3 children)

The Soviet Union/Russia have a habit of sending submarines into Swedish waters.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 years ago

I believe that's officially a variant rule. The system itself works fine without a grid. It can be done completely in the theater of the mind.

The grid is just commonly used because it simplifies movement and positioning greatly.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 years ago

Yes, why waste so much time trying to prosecute obviously protected expression?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 years ago

Here you go. It's basically you signing a message saying this public key belongs to X. Those who trust you can then trust that the key does belong to X and hasn't been tampered with.


Image description: Four panels depicting flag designs on arrows pointing in a direction. The top left panel is labeled British ups and has the British flag on arrows pointing up. Top right is labeled French lefts and has the French flag on left pointing arrows. Bottom left is labeled German downs and has the German flag on downward pointing arrows. The bottom right panel is unlabeled and has the trans flag pointing right.

rule (

Image description: Sailor moon looking at the viewer saying something passionately.

Top text: Trans people be like "I don't pass"

Bottom text: Bitch this is not the time for that, if you don't go past these slow ass SUVs we're gonna be late


An image painted on the shoulder of a denim jacket. To the right is the text "share in the act of creation" in the color of the transfl flag. The top of the image is what, apples, red and white grapes and a baby swaddled in a pink blanket. The bottom of the image barrels of cider, bottles of wine, bags of flour, bread and a man wearing a blue toga with top surgery scars.



Image description:

An X/Twitter post by Nth @pannecook

A girltwink is a supercooled state where a gender remains a boy under girl conditions below what is usually possible due to a lack of nucleation sites. A shock to the system will cause rapid crystalization into a face-center cubic girl structure. See fig. 1

Attached image:

A phase diagram for water. In the solid phase there is a label "man(?)". The triple point is labeled "femboy triple point". The liquid phase is labeled "boy". The gas phase is labeled "girl". The supercritical point is labeled "'just hot' critical point". The supercritical phase is labeled "supercritical gender fluid".

[–] [email protected] 42 points 2 years ago

Straight shooter is an idiom meaning honest and straightforward or direct. Super is acting as an intensifier. Combined it means they are extremely honest and direct.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I was kind of thinking something similar. How close would you be willing to physically get to him knowing that at any moment there might be an assassination attempt?


Image description:

A photo of a sturgeon, a spiny fish.
Top text: I'm a sturgeon not a surgeon.
Bottom text: I'm not on T blockers yet

Dice (

Image description: A simply drawn head next to a table containing a d12, d20, d4, d6, and d8 die. The pupils of the eyes have been replaced by starts. The mouth is open in awe.

Text above:
this user
traded their gender
for dnd dice \


Image description:

The background is that of the revolving restaurant in the Näsinneula tower in Tampere, Finland. It appears to be an fine dinning establishment. There are tables with white tablecloths and prepared table sets. There is a view of the city out of the curved windows that line the restaurant. Photoshopped on the image is a Blahaj stuffed animal shark with a chef's hat pasted on top of its head. In front of it is a platter holding three estradiol pills. It appears Blahaj is offering the pills to the viewer.

The text above the image reads, "Blahaj offers a tranfem dessert : Do you accept ?"

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 years ago

I honestly like the number eleven for the division in the US. There's even a nice map.

Chess (

A six panel comic.

Panel one: A view of the white side of the cheese board. The king, queen, bishop, knight and rook are visible in the back rank. Four paw s are visible in the front rank. One pawn is depiction as a man in chainman. They are holding their left arm with their right hand and their right knee is slightly bent and turned inward. They look nervous and self-conscious. The other piece are normal cheap pieces.

Panel two: A view from behind the pawn in chainmail. A knight in armor and on horseback is in front of them. The knight has a frown and looks like they are judging the pawn. Three lines are coming from the pawns head showing alarm.

Panel three: A woman on top of a rook looks down and points at the pawn. Her eyes are red and her mouth is open in a yell. Two water drops come from the pawn's head and a line showing nervous shaking.

Panel four: A view of the legs of the pawn stepping on the square at the edge of the board. Their feet have a red aura around them.

Panel five: A front shot of the pawn in mail. Flames are coming out of the collar and arm holes of the chainmail obscuring their head and hands. It is reminiscent of the Doctor's regenerufeom Dr Who.

Panel six: The pawn, now queen, is in a dress with a crown. They are smiling while looking down at their body.


[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 years ago

If you want to see how weird it can get look at blightsight. Your consciousness can be blind but your body can still react to visual stimulus.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 years ago

You are kind of hitting on one of the issues I see. The model and the works created by the model may b considered two separate things. The model itself may not be infringing in of itself. It's not actually substantially similar to any of the individual training data. I don't think anyone can point to part of it and say this is a copy of a given work. But the model may be able to create works that are infringing.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 years ago (1 children)

That is not actually one of the criteria for fair use in the US right now. Maybe that'll change but it'll take a court case or legislation to do.

[–] [email protected] 19 points 2 years ago (1 children)

A woman has her own value and that value decreases by men looking at her.

I didn't know men had that kind of super power. The ability to decrease value of something just by looking at it. Can we harness this power to decrease home prices?

[–] [email protected] 28 points 2 years ago (9 children)

NPR reported that a "top concern" is that ChatGPT could use The Times' content to become a "competitor" by "creating text that answers questions based on the original reporting and writing of the paper's staff."

That's something that can currently be done by a human and is generally considered fair use. All a language model really does is drive the cost of doing that from tens or hundreds of dollars down to pennies.

To defend its AI training models, OpenAI would likely have to claim "fair use" of all the web content the company sucked up to train tools like ChatGPT. In the potential New York Times case, that would mean proving that copying the Times' content to craft ChatGPT responses would not compete with the Times.

A fair use defense does not have to include noncompetition. That's just one factor in a fair use defense and the other factors may be enyon their own.

I think it'll come down to how "the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes" and "the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted work as a whole;" are interpreted by the courts. Do we judge if a language model by the model itself or by the output itself? Can a model itself be uninfringing and it still be able to potentially produce infringing content?

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