
joined 2 years ago
[–] 7 points 4 days ago (1 children)

For this recipe I would use tomato paste. But if I didn't have any on hand or I didn't have one that was open, I would just use a tablespoon or so of ketchup. The extra vinegar from the ketchup would not be out of place here.

[–] 54 points 2 weeks ago (15 children)

If they had focused their campaign on helping the middle class, helping the poor, and acknowledged that Palestinians are people too, they would have a chance.

If they focused on environmental issues and the rights of individuals they would have had a chance.

If they had called Trump a criminal, because he is, at every stop, they would have had a chance.

If they did all of those things, and meant it, they would have won!

Instead they tried to appeal to business owners, Republicans who don't like Trump, and people with money. That's not what Democrats want. That's not who Democrats are. That, is why they lost.

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

Run Lola Run (German film, subtitles available in several languages)
Citizen Kane
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Ocean's Eleven (2001, watch it anyway, it's great!)
12 Monkeys
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
2001 A Space Odyssey
The Shining

[–] 71 points 3 weeks ago

Stunning? Don't you mean predictable? Trump has been a puppet for Russia the entire time. He takes Russia's side every chance he gets! How is this not obvious at this point?

[–] 65 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (3 children)

I admire his optimism, even if I don't share it.
Trump is not to be trusted. Trump is a liar and a thief. I have never seen him to be anything else.

[–] 77 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I get what you are saying, The kid is not the problem though. Describing the child as a "meat shield" is not a dig against the kid. It's about what Elon Musk, the child's father, is doing to him. Elon Musk is wearing his own son over his head to keep from getting shot when he goes outside. He is using his own child as a human shield. Elon Musk has turned his own flesh and blood into a meat shield!

[–] 59 points 3 weeks ago (3 children)

I would hold up my hands and show all seven of my fingers.

[–] 59 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Because Warner Brothers owns the rights to all DC games right now and nobody at Warner has any idea how to actually produce good video games. The Arkham games were good because they came out before loot boxes and online-only games were a thing. Now if a game doesn't earn a billion dollars in the first year, the game is considered a failure.

[–] 15 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (5 children)

Most Americans do not live in or near a big city. We tend to live in small towns that have a majority of only one or two ethnic groups. My town has whites and latinos but very few black people. I personally know only two black people and neither one lives near me. The only Chinese people I know are the ones who operate the Chinese restaurant in town. My experience is not unique.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

All of this is so that after they have made it nearly impossible to be investigated, held responsible, or audited, they will run a big expensive scam on the government dime and cash out. They are bank robbers. This is the plot to Die Hard! The only difference is instead of stealing treasury bonds from an exchange, they plan to issue the bonds to themselves from the treasury building!

[–] 12 points 1 month ago

This makes me sad.

Hold onto your chairs folks. It's going to be kinda bumpy from now on. And not in a good way.

[–] 12 points 3 months ago

Trump is a fucking baby! He can't even win without bitching about it.


The story is about an artist who isn't very successful until he notices some tiny creatures (aliens?) and they somehow get into his eyes. This makes his art really great, but also drives him crazy. His art is full of those tiny faces, because that is what he sees.

Not sure if it was in a book or a magazine, but I would love to read it again.

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