I'll second PopOs, I was sick & tired of windows, I'd wanted Linux for a while and tried a few, PopOs just clicked for me and I've not had one problem gaming (which is what I mainly do). 20 min install time and not one problem since, which is about 14 months.
Send your email in a pm and I'll get an invite to you
Thanks for that, prices seem quite reasonable
What are you using to print stickers, I've been wanting to do the same but can only find quite expensive machines to do it.
Same and I saw musk Tesla logo with a swastica which I can't find now, I'd love to get a bunch printed & start sticking them around town.
Somewhat related, as a kid the first joke I remember that made my cheeks & ribs hurt with streaming tears was
What do you call a fly without wings?
A walk.
Aww bless, you think that'll have any impact
When you get to my age you live life on the edge.
Jesus, no hope for me at 52 then
Definitely something for me to watch for, I always test for ketones when I suspect my daughter is ill, I've actually never seen her have a fever. 97.7 wow! I remember when covid was at its worst here, we had messages from the hospital telling us to test frequently and adjust doses accordingly.
Big talk from the dude who got knocked out by a punching bag.