Please don't erase nuance from a conversation. Everything isn't yes or no answers.
I answered here 5 days ago:
Which, for some reason, didn't make it to your instance?
Both versions of the post also show 106 vs 105 comments, so there seems to be something here
Thanks, I might send an email later.
By the way: 2 EUR per year would be enough if every active user would donate that but they don’t
Indeed. Have you thought about promoting this in an announcement post?
Are you still surprised? 😄
Yes, then the bug is still there. We can only pin posts from local accounts.
Would you have any dbzer0 alt by any chance? If not, I can copy paste the content once it's stable
Thank you for providing data for LW, and thank you for your sysadmin work!
While we are talking, there have been occurrences of "power tripping" by some LW mods (e.g. , is there any mechanism to escalate this to you?
If you research "" a few posts should appear. Seems like they are blocked in some countries for some reason
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