You don't even realise how strong capitalism is in China.
Polish C is also described as /t͡s/ (e.g. co /t͡sɔ/). According to wiki both are dental and voiceless although one is plosive and the other affricate. As I've read their descriptions on wiki, they made a lot of sense - /t͡s/ starts with a blockade of airway (just as /t/) but the air is released slightly differently thus making the difference in sound produced.
Some even forget to remove unnecessary parts of the AI's answer, check out first sentence of the abstract down there 👇
Such a small groups are fine for initial investigation, they have enough of a size to be acceptable statistically for most of the performed studies. I don't think they'd get approval from ethical committee overseeing animal experiments without initial study like this to conduct something on very high groups.
The issue with your original comment is that it's simplified on many levels beyond what is acceptable. China has companies working on delivering highest financial output regardless of other citizens and their rights to have fair share in produced goods. They are by no means controlled by workers (why would they accept e. g. 996?) nor creating fair rules to others economically (e.g. Taobao and their alghorims pushing many sellers to sell bellow profitable levels just to maintain visibility on their site). Put it also into wider perspective: China started to move forward in quality of life only after Deng. US system is by no means bad but it doesn't make Chinese one perfect.