My first squad complete. I loved this new squat range as soon as I saw them. I'm going for a very high (for me at least) painting standard for the army, at least three touches for each element.
Mixed in some 3d printed bits, notably the helmet and shield for the Theyn. Any good dorf unit needs a stout shield up front. Also a frying pan for the squad cook.
There are a few things I'll tweak for future units. I'll simplify the scheme a little, stop picking out the elbow and knee pads in black and stop picking out the boot straps in leather. Unnecessary details that took a long time for a unit of 10. I'll ease back on the scratches on the white armor paint and decals, although I like the way the chipping came out.
PS Lemmy please support photo albums!

Based on the way that you talk about women, it would be best for all women if you did not try to date any of them. Some real incel shit. Turn off the Internet and go for a walk in the woods.