I dont think he complained about the usage of english, but that whenever the discussion is in english - everybody assumes everybody is from america.
I find the android experience on pixel 6 vastly inferior to what i had on onePlus 3t or even galaxy S3.
In pixels it feels like customization is frowned upon, and google keeps pushing its products everywhere.
They can both suck an egg.
Self-censorship is the best censorship
Completely legal and definitely not abusing one monopoly to push for another
Too many commenters here think dress codes are all about "boys have no self control so girls should suffer".
If you liked red-alert you might like other RTS games such as Age Of Empires 2 (remaster came out in 2019, very active community) or starcraft2.
Your sentence was justified
Yeah. When the extra deck was used just for monster fusions. At least for casuals like me it was much more about risk management before the battle and during the battle, rather then just setting up deterministic OTKs.
But voce, tu, and numbers arent gendered though.
"Israel bombed a hospital. 500 killed, 300 injured"
"Eh, actually, it was a self inflicted failed launch".
"Oh right. So as i was saying, it was just a parking lot near a hospital. About 30 killed".