Because suddenly tips of ridiculous sums of money can't be taxed. Sounds like a loophole to me.
joined 2 years ago
Mmmmm shark coochie!
Imagine paying monthly for an email app ..
Man, I bought sync waaaaay back when it first came out. It's such a good app and the dev is really forward thinking. I eventually moved to iOS but when I heard that sync had a beta app on iOS I grabbed that as well! Now I'm back on Android and reddit decided to kill itself... Needless to say, I'm really happy to hear that sync is coming to Lemmy!
Wow! This game actually looks really good. Hopefully it won't be another mess of a game. This year has had a few hiccups. I also can't really think of a recent Ubisoft game that I've looked forward to.
Yup, it's a small learning curve though!
Yeah, about that... Anyone got a good stream for the Packers game? ๐