Can we just get a fucking general election already? How many of these Tory cunts do we have to endure before they let the people choose?
"oh no .. Anyway"
I listened to the whole thing, and while it does sound terrible due to what I assume to be a bad connection and an incompetent host and caller, it doesn't sound like AI to me.
In my opinion, it sounds like he's sniffed up and his dentures are falling out of his mouth, as we've seen in previous addresses.
Just the usual idiocy from the world renowned orange moron. Move along.
My cat might need to go back to the vet, so I'm stressing about how much that's going to cost, as his insurance has already been wiped out by this issue.
I'm not focused at work, and haven't achieved anywhere near what I should have done by this time today.
Probably because of the cat stress, to be fair.
This is new? I'm pretty sure I read about this over a year ago. This has been a long time coming.
If he's innocent, I hope he can prove it.
If he's guilty, he can get fucked.
You rub your head while you eat?
Lol, tell me you don't know anything about Linux without telling me you don't know anything about Linux.
Seems reasonable. Life is expensive as fuck.
Looks wrong, one of them died.
Fuck the Torys.