Whaaaat!?! I would never!!!
Definitely a DP; Digital Painting...
Papa Coach
Fratboy Slim
Van Haven
A-ha > Ha-ha
Green Hay
Jimmy Fat World
Sabrina Carp
Oh shit!! I just tried to report a Nicole spam message an hour ago! Got a network error message though, so not sure if I caused any trouble...
I heard this website has been struggling because it's so popular lately!
To be fair, the graphics were a step up from the 8bit (or 16bit?) games I was playing at the time.
I remember being in a vacation park with my parents. All the bungalows had a CDi player, and you could rent games at the reception. I also remember thinking that all those CDi games were glorified DVD menus....
Well guys, you're making a great example of what he was talking about in the video, about netiquette and "kindness is king"!! Keep it up!
This is how we tell how much butter we get
Meow \o