Both 'small card' formats appear to be the same size on my device.
I went back and selected 'default' icon in the settings and the duplicate one was removed.
Looks great. Suggest that the backup file have a unique name so it is not confused with the Boost for Reddit backup.
This also happened to me. I believe it was after a system update. Hasn't occurred again.
I agree that the ability to search within communities is necessary.
I agree with cleaning up the navigation bar and fab '+'. Perhaps incorporate the + symbol into the nav bar or just make it less obtrusive. Also would like to see an option to hide the navigation bar when scrolling. Keep up the good work!
Is anyone else seeing duplicate and triplicate posts on the feed?
Agreed. I would like to increase the font size for the posts. I would also prefer a a Header and Title font that wasn't quite so bold.
Same here
I'm also a mod, and it broke for me.