I think Welsh also has the lower teeth-upper lip variant. I think it’s phonemic and not an allophone of /f/, but I’m not certain.
As for why, these seem like good hypotheses. I sure don’t know :)
I think Welsh also has the lower teeth-upper lip variant. I think it’s phonemic and not an allophone of /f/, but I’m not certain.
As for why, these seem like good hypotheses. I sure don’t know :)
It’s been a few years since Intro to Phonetics, but aren’t labiodentals produceable with either upper teeth-lower lip, as seems the case in this study, or with lower teeth-upper lip, as would be the case in edge-to-edge alignment?
Diet affecting evolution and thus language seems plausible, but this doesn’t seem a strong argument.
Which contradicts no part of what I said. Critical thinking. It works.
Honestly, if any Truth code were pushed into Mastodon, I’d probably stop using it
Do players celebrate layoffs? Or do they just enjoy the schadenfreude when karma bites executives and managers who disrespect their customers?
Either way, yeah $70 for a game, especially for a bad one, buys me the right to complain.
Oof! Cool perspective
I really hope they do.
What, no! Surely not! Israel invading a neighbor and then refusing to follow rule of law or honor its commitments? You must be mistaken! Why, I never!
So people will either simply stop talking about Square Enix at all or make sure they use a VPN/Tor and burner email to do it. SE do know who their customers are, no?
Psychology, in particular, has a replication problem. Admittedly part of the reason is that no modern IRB would approve something like the Stanford experiment. But part of it, too, as you suggest, is down to rigged studies or other shoddy “science.”
It isn’t confined to social sciences. Dr John Mandrola routinely takes medicine to task for letting pharmaceutical companies run poorly-designed trials then cherry pick and spin the results for profit.
uBLock Origin seems to work well enough for me
Maybe the AI was trained on a Pornhub-heavy dataset?