Not a fan of being out in nature, personally, at least not actual nature as opposed to like an urban park with deliberately laid out trees and flowers or something. I find city downtown areas more comforting. I imagine the bugs and forest creatures probably don't particularly miss having one more human stomping around their habitat though.
It's not even that we lack a way to define fish, it's more that we lack a definition that isn't arbitrary. One can define them as something like "vertebrates, except for all these ones that we don't want to include", but then there's not really a clear reason to exclude all the amphibians and reptiles and mammals and such, other than that they don't traditionally get called fish. Some of them even live in water, and a handful of fish can leave the water to a limited extent, so it isn't even that.
I mean, the whole "no ethical consumption under capitalism" or "all corporate ethics are fake" type stuff has plenty of truth to it, but at the same time, one does have to get any good or service not made oneself from somewhere, and corporations are made up of people with different views about what they're personally willing to do, or how much they think taking unethical actions even is the profitable thing. So, there is still room for some businesses to be worse than others.
Normally I'd make the typical "food crime" jokes about this choice of toppings, but somehow, being critical of Canadian cultural stuff, even just a joking manner, just feels horrible now, like it'd be in bad taste with all the undeserved trouble my country has been giving them of late. If they can find a way to enjoy pineapple pizza, good for them.
If the violence actually stops that and doesn't just become a symbolic victory where the fascists get to keep the laws they passed at the cost of a punch at the legislative floor, sure. But that wasn't my point. I wasn't saying "violence in politics is a bad thing to consider under any and all circumstances", but "if a country has reached a level of polarization where even the members of its governing body feel the need to resort to that with eachother, things have already gone wrong". It's a symptom of a serious problem coming to light, not the problem itself, in other words.