They're saying to not expect a smooth return if you are a green card holder and you wanted to, say, fly out to visit family in South America for a couple weeks.
- It would lead to significantly less arrests if they needed double or triple the agents to conduct them "safely".
- More people will die only if agents or their victims start shooting on general principle. In either case, that's a backslide that isn't really a consequence of putting more agents on one person.
Many cars nowadays collect and transmit real time geolocation, audio, and other data back to the automaker, and they often store it for years. Only an ID and a warrant (optional) away from being in the hands of law enforcement.
Looking into it there seems to be ways you can physically de-energize that equipment like pulling cables, but it usually involves taking your dash apart and you will lose a lot of modern functionality of the head unit.
I am ashamed to admit that I was a Republican voter years ago, and I voted for Trump 2016, expressly under the hope that the "adults in the room" would be able to steer him away from his worst impulses and generally manipulate him into being a run of the mill American president. Instead the Republicans coalesced around him and let that fucking evil moron call the shots. I have never voted for another Republican since and most likely I never will.
But apparently a career politician can't learn that same lesson? I call bullshit. It's the classic question, ignorance or malice? Most people will choose ignorance as the lesser of the two charges if they can help it. I think Schumer knows exactly what he is doing, and why he is being told and paid to do it. Their refusal to remove him from office in 2019 should have been the final sign that they were ride or die.
He may have some success in beating the cartels back, somewhat. But overall he's not going to support any country down there, he's going to send the military to bomb the fuck out of what little infrastructure they have, cause large amounts of collateral damage and death, and seize whatever is of value. We've already seen this playbook in the middle east.
The Serbs I've talked to online and a couple in person seemed ambivalent about taking responsibility at best. They are generally more pissed about the NATO intervention into their ~~genocide~~ SMO, and overblow how much death it caused compared to the death they (former yugo states) inflicted amongst themselves. I am confident Russia uses this as a wedge issue to their advantage these days.
I recall a firsthand account, I think from the Iraqi side, about their "recruitment" efforts. Where they just drove trucks around, knocked on doors, and gave the men a choice. Either you come with us to fight, or everyone piles out of this truck and violates your family while you watch.