
joined 2 years ago
[–] 6 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

Our favorites are broccoli, green beans and brussels sprouts. Take out of freezer, toss with olive oil, salt and pepper, spread out on a cookie sheet, and bake at 425F (~220C) for 20-30 minutes turning once. For broccoli I usually bake 20 min, flip, then bake another 10 min.

Sometimes when there’s 5 minutes left I sprinkle some cheese on the veggies (usually parmesan or cheddar) and let it finish baking so the cheese melts and gets crispy.

[–] 13 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Once I discovered I could roast them in the oven, I switched to mostly buying frozen

[–] 10 points 1 week ago

Looking very distinguished

[–] 2 points 1 week ago

They must’ve had the same teacher as my dog. Pros, all of them

[–] 5 points 1 week ago (2 children)

They have such a good stare I feel like I need to give them treats for being good too

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

My kid was a very colicky baby. Parenting is rough. The fact that you feel like a bad parent means you are most definitely not a bad parent.

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago

In kangaroos and other jumping animals it’s even further refined to saltatory locomotion

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago

It’s a tough age. I remember the struggle all too well, and many nights I fell asleep before my kid did. I’m not sure if it’s their chance to control something when so much of their life is out of their control at this age. Hopefully you can find something that works better for all of you

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

But I can’t close them, I need to remember! I don’t know what I need to remember any more but they seem important

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

See also: my 473 open browser tabs

[–] 5 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Since it sounds like he’s used to you or your wife being there, you can try slowly removing yourself. What we did with our kid is start with a parent sitting or laying next to the bed, then every few days moving a little closer to the bedroom door. We’d still stay until they fell asleep.

Our kid got most anxious when we got to the part where moving put us out of their room, so we did that step a little more slowly where we stayed at the entrance of the bedroom but would have to leave the room for increasingly longer periods of time (go get a book to read, go to the bathroom, etc). They struggle with anxiety in general though, so your kid may not have this hurdle.

We too keep books next to their bed which they can read or look at until they get sleepy. We also have a volcano lamp we turn on at night they can watch.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

This sounds amazing!


My sister in law is very hard to shop for, but she knits and crochets. She also makes kimchi throughout the year, so I painted the ingredients for kimchi on some stitch markers she can use with her knitting projects.


I make these in memory of my grandma every year when my family gets together for Christmas, following this recipe. The recipe makes 16 kolache, 12 with apricot filling and 4 with poppy seed filling


Outside garden is asleep til spring, but I still grow a few herbs and lettuce for our pet rabbit


TLDR: The insurance company has a new policy, set to take effect in February 2025, where they decide how much anesthesia is needed for surgeries. They won’t pay for any anesthesia over that, with exemptions for maternity and pediatric cases and for Connecticut providers.

The article also notes the insurance company reported a $2.3 billion net income increase in June 2024.

Edit to update: Anthem now says they won’t put this policy into effect


The world's first wooden satellite, built in Japan, is being flown to the International Space Station on a SpaceX mission.

LignoSat will be released into orbit about 400km above the Earth, with researchers hoping it will prove wood is a space-grade material.

LignoSat will stay in orbit for six months, with the electronic components onboard measuring how wood endures the extreme environment of space.

Edit: added sunmary


Just in time to start my mystery knit along, I finished both yip yips. The knit eyes worked out really well. I’ve never laughed so much while knitting something, these were a really fun project



Remember those “Martians” from Sesame Street? A friend asked me to make a couple of these for their kid. My first one is on the left and the pattern photo is on the right. I’m going to try to knit some eye balls instead of using ping pongs, we’ll see how that goes



This came up unexpectedly and I’m waiting to see what it’ll be. I didn’t plant any squash or pumpkins this year. In fact I’ve never planted either in this garden bed. We affectionately call it our “pumquash” while we wait.

I have it under a greenhouse because we had our first frost warning this weekend, and I’d really like at least one fruit to mature so we can solve the mystery. This is the furthest along.


Today’s our first frost date, and I haven’t had a single ripe tomato yet. Time to break out the plant covers and cross my fingers.

I usually make green tomato relish. What are your favorite green tomato canning recipes?

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