A total prick of a boss left for another employer and we're still rejoicing. Also, the nice lad everyone loved left for another department and we are all gutted.
I'm going for lunch with my friend tomorrow! Really looking forward to it
What certificate is it?
You're going to Heathrow? Thoughts and prayers
Yes, and I appreciate you pulling me up on it. I should have made it clear.
I swear everytime I read about this administration I read something worse than last time. Musk should be nowhere near this!
Yes exactly. Accused of killing CEO of children's charity known for amazing work with kids? Condemnation. Accused of killing CEO of organisation known as having caused a lot of suffering? Applause. I totally disagree with him being praised for possibly murdering someone, but I totally understand why people are doing it.
That's sad but unsurprising
I know it's just awful. If it was a tv show it would be seen as unrealistic but its actually happening.
Jesus's Christ, why does he have clearance??? And has for so long???? Oh god this is awful
I know it's just... where to start.
Ditto voyager, it's like the reddit layout without the bullshit