I can't even get my dog to use a doggy door, and they got these sheep to fly helicopters? Color me impressed!
"This message brought to you by Wormbo. Eat corn cream!"
At least they didn't get into Jordan Peterson lengths... those vids were short!
There's some dipshit in other threads that's convinced the only reason this happened is because the guy was rich. No other motivating factors. The Stockholm syndrome in this country is fucking bonkers.
For me with this ADD, a lot, honestly. But, if you've ever tried your hand at breeding in Ark, you kinda understand what is like to be a CPA in tax season.
Are you new?! He's got the R next to his name..!
This fuckin' thumbnail has been staring out from my recommendations for like a week. Now, it's starting to follow me.
I don't how metal this really is; i can read those.
Instructions unclear; dick stuck in, well, everything.
Remember when NYPD watched a guy attacking people on the subway with a knife?
Big ol' (X).
My hair is a frog. Your argument is invalid.
Fuck the Book Burners! All hail The Hand!