Cowards tend to back down when confronted on equal grounds. This is essentially a resurgence of the Black Panther movement, which worked quite well doing the exact same thing.
I mean, that's just the history of the US anyway. Remember, the puritans were "escaping" "persecution" for there religious beliefs from Europe. Those beliefs were so incredibly strict, conservative, and restrictive that no one wanted those nut jobs around. Oh, look, 250 years later and their descendants are still afraid of a nipple.
The comm badge in this picture looks like a mouse cursor at first glance.
Yeah... I'm going to be borrowing that one.
It would preferably be a rather short span of time.
Because the coup is much further along than the general public believes. They have no reason to hide anymore because they are essentially unstoppable.
I truly understand both sides here. I have an autistic child and while all the love and pride in them is genuinely there and we make conscious effort to vocalize that to them regularly, life with a neurodivergent child is hard and incredibly frustrating a lot of the time. Bedtime is usually the worst, which means that by the time they go down you have reached or surpassed your limit.
One of the most frustrating things as a neurodivergent parent is that the majority of your social group will have zero understanding of what you go through on a daily basis. That means that often times the only person you can vent to is your partner.
Is he trying to kill you or is he trying to prevent a mass exidious that would leave the country weak and defencless against a psychopathic dictator? When your country is at war, in a fight for its very survival, some sacrifices of personal liberties are expected.
Got to beef that Gestapo force up to maximum pain on the peasants.
That is not at all what he said. He said that creating some arbitrary benchmark on the level or quality of the AI, (e.g.: as it's as smarter than a 5th grader or as intelligent as an adult) is meaningless. That the real measure is if there is value created and out out into the real world. He also mentions that global growth is up by 10%. He doesn't provide data that correlates the grow with the use of AI and I doubt that such data exists yet. Let's not just twist what he said to be "Microsoft CEO says AI provides no value" when that is not what he said.
Ah, Reagan. What a racist piece of shit. Too bad someone with better aim didn't try to impress Jodie Foster.