This goes out to anyone still thinking there are some good people among the very rich. They‘re all robbers and thieves without a conscience.
Smart TV having absolutely horrible default settings and filters that ruin any viewing experience has little to do with HDR because the TV isn‘t even processing HDR images most of the time. That stuff is already mixed and there‘s not much any device can do to give you details in the darks and brights back. It‘s a much different story when you‘re actually processing real color information like in a video game. HDR should absolutely help you see in the dark here.
Have you ever been the person who was kind enough to return a lost wallet? Have you also ever been the person who was accused by the person you returned it to of stealing a bunch of things (like cash) out of the wallet?
You're saying something. I've heard first hand stories about angry wallet owners "shooting the messanger" so to speak. I'm from Germany but the saying "No good deed goes unpunished" rings true in most parts of the world, I think. That's why you throw a lost wallet into the next letter box and don't bother any further. At least that's what you're supposed to do where I'm from and I doubt any of those wallets ever arrived with their full content but that's not my problem.
Because there's always a bigger fish out there to get you. Or that's what trillionaires will tell themselves when they wage a robotic war. This system isn't made to last the way it's progressing right now.
Why so many people work for lunatics you ask? I suppose they got to eat something at the end of the day. That's 60% of American people for example.
With all the touch screens and computer controlled door handles I wouldn‘t bet on a Tesla in this showdown.
Yup. Just saw an interview of an oligarch who invested early in Gasprom and didn‘t make a dime. How? Because all profits went directly to one of Putin‘s bank accounts. I think that‘s what’s what the USA will go through too. Record profits but everyone but the very very top loses big time.
It‘s a bad bet because he is so insanely rich and powerful. Just take a look at Putin‘s Gasprom. Oligarchs know how to extract money out of a company before lesser oligarchs can get their hands on it. Avoid any stocks that are too close to the government right now.
AI won‘t be our downfall but technological illiteracy might.
I don‘t know about that. That Oculus founder seems worse than Suckerberg somehow.
However I still think that somehow Facebook‘s dominance bottlenecks the VR industry right now. Their little data extractors are ironically too cheap for a healthy and vibrant VR economy, keeping competition and ideas out that the industry needs so desperately.
Good. Let them drown with their sinking ship. They enabled his power grab in the first place and decided something as perverted and absurd as granting a single man $60 billion. Let this be a lesson in history books.
Big tech made us lonely and now they want to sell us the cure?