
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

It is quite rough. The problem is that quite a few new residents are people with dementia who aren't on proper meds, as they either lived alone or with little to no support from their family. So no regular appointments at a doctor's office and barely any prescriptions. The ugly truth with dementia is that those who are affected by it often need sedatives/tranquilizers for the night as a sleep aid, since their condition causes them to have an altered day-night-rhythm (similar to how we night shift nurses train our bodies to adapt, but in their case it's happening unwillingly). Otherwise, they can't sleep for the whole night with all the side effects: they are more prone to falls, they react cranky to downright aggressive and so on. Some of them in the early stages of dementia also realize that something's wrong, they are sad that they can't sleep and ask what the hell is happening with them. I always try to speak slow, calm and with a deep voice to them since this seems to calm them down a bit and they are less likely to feel bad about themselves when I explain that it's not their fault.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (4 children)

Finally got through my 5th night shift this morning. I had my alarm set at 16:00/4 PM, but put it out and slept until 19:00/7 PM. Now I feel well rested for the first time this week. The problem isn't the changed rhythm, as I am a "night owl". It's the workload:

Nights aren't a walk in the park in my current work environment: in the nursing home where I was working before, every station had their own night shift, as in 1 per station. There was always one examined/certified nurse (I guess the english term would be RN or nursing specialist?) and two assistant nurses, i.e. people who don't have any previous qualifications or just one year of training. The RN did all the complex medical stuff: like administering injections, counting all the medication that falls under the "Betäubungsmittelgesetz" (= narcotics/drugs with high potency and addiction potential) and giving out meds that the old folks required at night for all stations, plus everything else that was required to do on their station (looking after the residents, changing the positioning of those who can't move anymore, etc.)
In my "new" nursing home, we are two people in the night shift for over 90 residents. One's a RN, the other either an assistant nurse or, like the last few nights, a trainee/re-trainee like me.

This was quite hard work, since we have a handful of residents with dementia who are awake at night. Coupled with the fact that the "ordinary" residents often need help to get to the toilet or a painkiller to sleep and that a few dementia patients have "bed edge sensors" who send an alarm to our phones when they leave their bed, I'm sure you can imagine how stressful that can get. If some people think that night shifts at a nursing home must be easy since all the old folks are asleep, let me assure you it's quite the contrary. We also have 2 residents who are picked up very early for dialysis on MON/WED/FRI, so what does the night shift do? We start with basic care, i.e. washing them and helping them to get dressed. At 4:15 to 4:30 in the morning. 😮‍💨

Needless to say, I am very grateful for my rest day and a free weekend ahead of me. I plan to go shopping on Saturday after a nice brunch with my parents so I can get a few missing items for my apartment - with the new night shifts, I realised that I need blackout blinds, better curtains and some sleep aids. I'll also look for little sample containers so I can send out the BVWSC samples for March. Have a nice weekend, folks!

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

06.02.2025 - Shave before night shift

  • Brush: RazoRock Beehive 28 mm
  • Razor: Leaf Thorn
  • Blade: Perma-Sharp half DE
  • Lather: Chiseled Face - Ghost Town Barber
  • Post-Shave: OAM witch hazel & cucumber toner; moisturizer

-> 1 pass head shave before my night shift. That's why I'm posting late. I actually forgot to log one shave with exactly the same setup...

Nights can be wicked hard, folks. I'm off to sleep now...

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago

02.02.2025 - Smooth Sunday

  • Brush: RazoRock Beehive 28 mm
  • Razor: Leaf Thorn
  • Blade: Perma-Sharp half DE
  • Lather: Barrister & Mann- Le Grand Chypre
  • Post-Shave: OAM sensitive skin toner; Alterra men natural ASB
  • Fragrance: Bentley for Men Intense EdP

-> 2 passes on the head, 1 for neck line and cheek line. Very comfortable and nice.

Had to shave way earlier than my usual time in preparation of my night shift, so I chose something that would give guaranteed smooth results. B+M soaps are a safe bet, especially the ones in Omnibus base. Smooth sailing, err, shaving.

Curious if my night will be so smooth too. I went to bed late and got up in the early afternoon as preparation, so sleep shouldn't be an issue. I'll see.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Sounds really good! I hope everything goes according to plan for you.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

No worries! It sure is possible around the ears, but I mostly go with the grain or across at most. I bend my ears down a bit so it can reach every hair.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Nope. They are in general a bit more sturdy since they are thicker than DE blades.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (5 children)

It doesn't shave as close and indeed you can nick your skin if the angle is too vertical. But in my experience, it's really easy to use and get right from the start.

Apologies, that site isn't very well optimized for browsers with dark mode - didn't see those were out of stock. FWIW, I got myself a 100-pack once I got my first GEM razor and it's still not empty. These are really sturdy and hold up for a long time... the downside is that there's not much variety in blades, but the blade quality makes up for it.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 month ago (8 children)

First of all, great find! That's a beautiful Ever-Ready 1912 in good condition and as a fellow head shaver, these are great for shaving your dome as long as you keep the head plate (mostly) flat on your skin.

You can get a 10-pack of those PTFE-coated GEM blades either from the link that @PorkButtsNTaters666 provided or sometimes they're available at eBay. However, those of us here who use GEMs are almost exclusively using those blades. The pure stainless steel don't have the best reputation and other SE blades in this style are strictly for home improvement.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Sorry about your kamisori, it really sucks that it couldn't survive a single drop in the sink.
Yeah, it's just the first month of the year but sometimes I like doing a short retrospective to see what's already good and what can be improved a little.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago (4 children)

So now that January is over - how's 2025 treating you folks so far?

For me it's going ok so far, really glad I started picking up playing an instrument as a hobby since it somehow calms me down. Yesterday was a really frustrating day, but one bass practice session later it wasn't as bad anymore.

I still need to work on improving my physical fitness and health, hope this becomes easier once I am back to work instead of nursing school.

It's also a bit frustrating that I have so many great books around but haven't found the time to read much. My pile of shame has grown tall, same with gaming unfortunately. I made the decision to mostly go back to physical media except from a few digital-only releases, so I hope to make better decisions and being more mindful in my media consumption. Also, I love holding something in my hands and lots of box sets come with cool booklets.

Sunday I have my first night shift ever and I look forward to it. My colleague who's in the same class as me told me that nights are a really relaxed affair at our nursing home, with a few exceptions of course.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

30.01.2025 - Ghosts and Barbers

  • Brush: RazoRock Beehive 28 mm
  • Razor: Leaf Thorn
  • Blade: Perma-Sharp half DE
  • Lather: Chiseled Face - Ghost Town Barber
  • Post-Shave: HAGS - Barberwood AS toner

-> single pass head shave. Need to give the face some well-deserved rest. Good shave overall.

Today was a really slow but nevertheless exhausting day for me. I feel like I am more fatigued by slow, dragging days than high energy ones. This shave was a nice comfortable affair to improve my mood and the two barbershop scents fit together splendidly.

Tomorrow is the last day of nursing school, thankfully. Everything is pretty annoying atm and all that sitting on my ass is getting to me. Neck pain, back pain, headaches from the constant listening and cramming huge topics into my head one day before a test. On Sunday I will start my first run of night shifts - even though the "graveyard shift" usually has a negative connotation, I look forward to it. I'm a night owl so I should feel right at home, but I'm still curious how it'll feel!

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