
joined 2 years ago
[–] 43 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I mean, did any of those dealers manage those sorts of sales in any month?

I don't know that much about dealerships, but I find it hard to believe that any but the exceedingly most exceptional manage four digit sales in an entire month in general, let alone in three days for a single brand that's been hemorrhaging popularity over the last two years or so.

[–] 1 points 1 day ago

Hear hear!

Personally, all my life I've felt like the Liberals have just been the lesser of two evils. One party that simply wants to enrich themselves and their buddies, and another that will enrich those at the top and hope that anything they don't catch will trickle down, despite that those at the top have long since learned to sieve with ceramic nano-filters.

The NDP's been the only party that had any momentum that would even entertain ideas that were actually left of center, but frankly Singh's flip flopped all over the place like a beached catfish. He lacks ideals he can build a spine around and instead prioritizes trying to steal votes from those further right than him.

We need a party that actually has strong convictions and are willing to take chances on them, speak of ideals for a better Canada and build plans around them rather than try to sneak some votes away from other parties like some jealous catfish.

This is why I keep voting Liberals. Not only because first-past-the-post means that votes to third parties tend to be wasted votes, but because the NDP just keeps failing to hold any sort of conviction beyond being an opportunist. Especially the last decade.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago

It sucks that grocery stores make these labels based on where the company that sells these products come from. I mean, CocaCola and Red Bull both have a maple leaf tag at my usual grocery store because they have subsidiaries that are Canada based, though I last I heard the syrup as well as the bottles come from the US for Coke, and is only bottled in Canada.

At the very least, outside of the produce isle, it is pretty easy to buy mostly local. We produce so much base foodstuffs that a general guideline will mostly work. Anything that's grains, fruits, meats, and diary are probably Canadian, aside from tropical fruit at least. Nuts are hit or miss, but a lot of them come from California. Unfortunately a lot of rice is also from California. Oranges are almost all from Florida, so the first thing most people should do is cut oranges from their diets, preferably permanently and find a new favourite fruit like blueberries or apples.

The unfortunate truth though when it comes to groceries, is that it's nearly impossible to give at least a little bit to the US with your purchases. Less than a half dozen companies own more than 80% of the products stocked at most grocery stores in Canada, all of which I believe are American. The maple leaf tag just means that there is a Canadian company in between the owners and the product.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

While true, I think if the population they derive their income from isn't merely of that of their riding, but the average of their region instead (entire city/province, not just the riding), then it will seriously minimize the impact.

But even without that, this would strengthen the vote of low income areas as there will be less competition, making those that represent high income areas worth less since they tend to be outnumbered by low income areas. You either get a high wage, or have an easier time not only getting voted in, but having more peers representing people in similar situations.

Still think spreading the average is better, but overall I think it can work better than it currently is either way.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago (1 children)

The best first step I think is to get a virtual drone simulator. There are free ones online that will give you a taste of how it's like to fly drones and will let you get a taste of what it's like. This alone will take you a long way towards being able to use them practically at virtually zero cost, or maybe at most the cost of purchasing a controller to more closely simulate a drone's controller.

Just look up FPV simulator, racer, or anything similar. There are free ones even on Steam.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

There's no way that guy's got that sort of self control...or long term memory.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

If you live in Alberta, sure. But I think the rest of Canada is out of luck despite the damage she's doing to the entire country.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago

Maybe as a rent-to-own scheme, but frankly it's not the heat pump that's expensive, it's installing it that is. Especially if it has a ground loop rather than an air transfer.

[–] 6 points 3 days ago

Exactly. His excuses are weak and easily disproven for why he won't get clearance, so it's more looking like he has something to hide, like maybe he won't clear the required background check.

Besides, becoming a PM means you automatically get clearance without a background check (Carney didn't need to, but getting a background check was just being cheeky, and frankly fun), so trying to get the job entirely goes against his own words.

[–] 19 points 3 days ago (2 children)

As much as I wish she'd be investigated for treason, I don't think there's even a snowball's chance she'd get a conviction. Instead, I hope she'd get a proper investigation on corruption. There's plenty of evidence of that already, and tons of it is hard written into the policies she's tried to put into law.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

This guy needs to shut up and just do the electricity surcharge he threatened to do weeks ago but became too spineless to actually implement. Hell, if he does that, I'll personally go and cheer for him, despite being a Ford hater for the better part of two decades.

Put his words into actions for once and stop being such a traitorous wuss.

[–] 34 points 3 days ago

This is by far the most important thing to remember. Don't forget to vote. Hell, since you're reading this, you've probably already decided who you're voting for (Not PP, but for the only guy who stands a chance to beating him). Go vote early so you don't forget. Or register for mail-in votes.

And don't forget to encourage those you know to vote. Hell, go together to vote as a group. The more people vote, the more likely PP will lose, because almost all the seats he has a decent chance of winning come from the rural prairies, and they live so far apart, it's impossible for them to coordinate in person.

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