It’s not about being original, it’s about what you enjoy eating.
“Have this commemorative from when we killed lots of people”
Sick fucks probably get off over that
Being singled out for inspection is extremely different to being chained and imprisoned.
Stories like this are coming to forefront because America is changing its stance to immigration and tourism to be actively hostile.
Until the secret police invite you for a round of tea.
Shame the stroke didn’t fucking kill him.
It’s more dumb to think killing everyone is any different to killing everyone.
Genocide brings about the death of the whole cultural group.
There is no little or big genocide, it is all genocide.
I’ll stick to RedStar OS thanks.
Not as bad as when you’re up on the ledge and someone else is coming from the other way but you have no room to do the little dance where you both step in the same fire 3 times before both staying still to let the other move first.
That’s the problem every paycheque when you’re living paycheque to paycheque, no?
Reminder that before all this El Salvador was sweeping up anyone and I mean anyone they found on the street during their sweeps and throwing them in huge overcrowded cells to await mass trials without representation.
He literally said he was a Nazi growing up.