Happy to donate a little bit!
Elden Ring. I've never really played a souls game, and it looks really great.
Not a lot of joy this year, got laid off last year and now find myself in a job where I'm making less and commuting more, but there were a couple of bright spots. I've been running a D&D game set in Mythic Greece, and it's been the best TTRPG I've run or played in years - my players have been absolutely loving it. Plus, I recently spoke to a retirement advisor and found that I'm in very good shape to retire in 10 years, and that makes me very happy.
Thanks for doing this. Happy Holidays!
In Enderal (an absolutely amazing, totally free game that runs on the Skyrim engine - if you own Skyrim you owe it to yourself to play Enderal), at the end of Esme's questline, sitting on top of the lighthouse and discussing the events of her story.
Esme quest spoilers
If you've ever had a loved one who struggled with mental illness or depression, and you just couldn't help them, it hits like a ton of bricksSaw it last night, mostly agree with this take on it, though in a bit less glowing terms. I didn't think the emotional payoff alluded to in this review really worked, because I didn't think they'd laid enough groundwork for it. Too much of this movie was more storyboard than story, with not enough time spent on actually delving into these characters' feelings and relationships. That said, it was definitely a fun popcorn flick, with some great action, a good sense of humor, fun characters, and, as the article points out, minimal required external knowledge. And everything said about the publicity was spot on.
Just played through the demo, and I think the gameplay is fun and entertaining, but I agree. It's not that they're physically hard to read - you can right click on the cards and blow them up big - but the language is imprecise and unclear in places. It's not always obvious what a card does or what specific abilities do, even with the tooltips. I did wishlist it, but I'll wait until it's on sale or in a bundle.