
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 hours ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 4 points 14 hours ago (1 children)

If your idea of „fun” is wishing death upon people, I’m not amazed you’ve had your share of run-ins with mods.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 16 hours ago (3 children)

Possibly unpopular opinion: I’ve liked most Reddit mods I’ve had to deal with. They’re just volunteers, anyway, making sure my free discussion platform isn’t taken over by spam and smut. Reddit sucks now, but that’s not the moderators’ fault. Though, I never really used the bigger subs - I gather the mods there suck more.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 18 hours ago

Helemaal eens. Ik heb er alle vertrouwen in dat een decentrale dienst als Feddit gevrijwaard kan blijven van enshittification. Als er al één instance op het idee komt reclame of zo te introduceren, kun je zonder probleem overgaan op een andere.

Daarvoor ben ik wel zo vriendelijk geweest wat te doneren aan onze gastheer, Ted :)

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago (1 children)

What is that list of forbidden words? I'm completely out of the loop what that's about.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (2 children)

Als die klote-PVV er maar aan gaat, vind ik het best.

En dan die belachelijke implosie van het NSC. Messianistische politici zijn nooit een goed idee.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Pannenkoeken are also often baked with cheese or bacon (spek anyway).

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

To be honest, studies around whether this font is actually easier to read for people with dyslexia haven't shown that to be the case. At least, that's what I remember from reading about it in a Dutch skeptic magazine (Skepter) some time ago. So if you have dyslexia and find this font harder to read, that doesn't have to say anything about you.

EDIT: this seems to be the article I read, though it's from ten years ago.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

En dat terwijl er net een nieuw type stroommast is gepresenteerd, door fans beschreven als „Een adembenemende, dubbele concentrische combinatie-tonmast [...] Een waanzinnige nieuwe telg in het bestaande mastenpark”: de Moldaumast.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Er lijkt daar vooral een bizarre censuur gaande te zijn - je kunt zelfs geband worden omwille van „verkeerde” upvotes. Voor zulke dingen hoeven we hier in ieder geval niet te vrezen.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Ja, de grote gemeenschappen hier draaien nog vooral om nieuws enzo; en dan nog vooral om Amerikaans nieuws. Daar is het op zich wel levendig, maar er zijn hier nog niet veel nichegemeenschappen waar vaker dan een aantal keer per week gepost wordt.

Dus als je niet geïnteresseerd bent in discussies over het nieuws, wordt het hier waarschijnlijk snel saai.

Je kunt natuurlijk ook zelf proberen een gemeenschap van de grond te krijgen, maar ik kan uit eigen ervaring zeggen dat ik dat zelf heb gedaan maar daar niet zo goed in ben ;)

Maar hé, voorlopig is er hier weer een flink stijgende lijn als het gaat om het aantal gebruikers!

[–] [email protected] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I know the hourglass is often used to symbolise the limited time we have on Earth. This is why you often see hourglasses in cemeteries (memento mori).


Hoe hebben jullie van Feddit gehoord? Komen jullie allemaal van Reddit? Hoe bevalt het jullie hier tot nu toe?


De coalitie heeft het klimaatdoel voor 2030 dinsdag officieus laten varen, ondanks de afspraak in het hoofdlijnenakkoord. Na PVV en BBB vindt ook de VVD economie en geopolitiek nu belangrijker. (Archief)


En ook nog eens een end kleiner dan een normale. Doe ermee wat je wilt.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I’ve some weeks ago moved my main computer from Windows 10 to Linux, specifically OpenSUSE Leap with the Plasma user environment, mainly because it doesn’t have the magic Windows 11 chip. I had never used Linux and have been a Windows user since I was six years old or somewhere around then (I’m in my late twenties now). I’d just like to share my likes and dislikes.

Things I like about Linux (my specific install, anyway):

  • Not being a corporate environment. There aren’t any cheeky attempts at making money or advertisement anywhere, like the annoying fake widgets in Windows 11 and the half-filled start menu. I’ve gotten used to that on my laptop (which is running 11), but you do always have the feeling of ‘what are they trying now?’ That not being a thing is quite refreshing.
  • In that veign, having actual widgets. I loved them in Windows 7; I’ve got a webpage widget on my second screen showing a Zoho sheet I made with an RSS feed. Just being able to be a bit creative like that is cool.
  • The system seems quite a bit quicker than it was in Windows - though in all honesty this will also be because I’m still on a fairly fresh install.
  • I’m positively surprised by how little I miss from Windows when it comes to programs. Steam having compatibility tools is great, for example. Otherwise there are often replacements for what I’m missing (eg. I’ve found one to allow general settings for my Logitech mouse).
  • The general ability to change the way everything looks and feels. I feel technical people sometimes look down a bit on aesthetics, but I really care about the user interface I use day in day out looking and feeling nice. While I’m a fan of the Windows 11 look myself, I really like how much I’ve been able to get my UI to look how I want it to in Plasma. Though I’m a bit surprised that it’s so hard to change the appearance of the start menu and bottom panel. I’ve had to install a specific program to change their colouring.
  • The little icon jumping next to your cursor when opening a program (I know, I’m easily amused).

Things I’ve found annoying:

  • Not knowing where to find anything. Of course, coming from Windows I’m used to there being a program files folder with my programs’ folders, and a documents folder with (often) user settings for those programs. In Linux, everything just seems to be everywhere. What seems to be the ‘documents’ equivalent for the game Factorio is in my user folder in a hidden .factorio, but I’ve to no avail been trying to find out where my ‘documents’ for Workers and Resources are. I’ll find them eventually, I’m sure. In general, I’m looking around a lot, though.
  • The lingering feeling of instability. This is my second install of OpenSUSE, after I messed up something leading to my computer having some files which it wanted to update, but using urls which didn’t exist. After this, I’ve been feeling a bit insecure and afraid of doing something that ruins my installation. I know there’s the saying that Linux ‘just works’, but I’ve never messed up a Windows installation...
  • The capslock works differently, apparently. I’m used to writing every capital letter using the capslock key, meaning if I write a capital at the beginning of a word, I press capslock, then type the first letter, then quickly press capslock again and type the rest. In Linux, this often doesn’t work as it somehow takes a while for the capslock press to go into effect, so you often end up with ‘LInux’, for example. After lots of looking around, I have found some script that seems to fix this (‘Linux CapsLock Delay Fixer Master’), but it also randomly stops working and there are other ‘oddities’ I can’t really explain.
  • Every once in a while, my desktop icons get rearranged. This seems to be a known issue, but it’s really annoying.
  • It seems impossible to get Firefox to not restore sessions after shutting down the computer with it still open. I’ve tried several things, but I can’t get Firefox to just give me a fresh session on startup.
  • The above all add to a bit of a general ‘stuck together with adhesive tape and love’ feeling.
  • Not knowing how to install programs. This is more of a learning-curve thing, obviously. The software centre didn’t contain everything I could find online - for some programs, you could use ‘one click’ in OpenSUSE, but that seems to work more like a self-destruct button: I’ve tried those several times and have always had bad results >.>. I’ve found it’s easiest to install programs just using flatpaks.

All in all, I am quite happy. Though I am still afraid I’ll mess up my installation, and I’m now at a point where that’d hurt. I have installed Timeshift, but also with mixed results...


Het kabinet vindt dat Nederlanders zich moeten voorbereiden op noodsituaties. Ze zouden zichzelf 72 uur moeten kunnen redden, als bijvoorbeeld de stroom uitvalt. Tot nu toe was de aanbeveling om een noodpakket voor 48 uur in huis te hebben.


EDIT: Translation using Deepl

Translated from Dutch using Yandex (I’d have done it using Deepl, but posting whole articles apparently isn’t allowed, so there to me doesn’t seem to be another way to share non-English articles):

Censoring an obscure punk song about corruption in the Indonesian police has had the opposite effect: it has become the soundtrack of a fledgling protest movement. 'Want to bribe someone? Pay the police!’, echoes from the throats of disgruntled students at demonstrations.


Zelensky Voor de camera van RTL-journalist Jaïr Ferwerda zei minister Marjolein Faber (Asiel en Migratie, PVV) vrijdag wat de Amerikaanse president Donald Trump ook zei. Nadat Faber er door andere ministers op was aangesproken, kwam de minister terug op haar uitspraak.


De plannen tot het vormen van een internationale troepenmacht voor de bescherming van Oekraïne veroorzaken een nieuwe splijtzwam in de Nederlandse regeringscoalitie. PVV-leider Wilders is mordicus tegen, zo liet hij maandag weten. Daarmee keert hij zich ook tegen premier Schoof. (archief)


Volkomen bizar. Ik had gedacht dat alleen Amerikanen in Google Maps ineens 'Gulf of America' te zien zouden krijgen, maar dat het in de rest van de wereld nog gewoon de Golf van Mexico zou blijven.

Een zeker nummer van Rammstein spookt mij ineens door het hoofd...


Ikzelf ben langzaam weggedreven van Feddit/Lemmy na de eerste 'honeymoon'-periode tijdens de protesten. Tot een week geleden had ik echter ook op Reddit geen post meer achtergelaten. Nu ben ik in dubio wat ik zal doen. Veel van mijn soort subreddits hebben hier geen vervanger. Ik ben echter vooral ook benieuwd hoe het degenen die hier nog zitten zo is vergaan!

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